Atashi_Tada's Blog


Task 16: I am what I eat

I would say it is more correctly to say "Who I am is what I eat" rather that the other way round
Even though I am quite stable in everything serious and when it comes to important commitment, however everything else in my life truly depends on my mood - I am inconsistent and sometimes it reminds me that if I'd have PMS every single day (not necessarily in a bad way you know). Therefore I eat and buy products very differently from day to day. It can be super-healthy vegan dinner and the very next…
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Irina24 avatar
Irina24 26 June

omg this photo makes me feel so hungry)) yummy:)

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Task 16: What is my national dish?

For my favorite Latvian national desert recipe all we need is mix of berries, sugar, butter, whipped cream and starch powder to make a jelly from beries.
I am not a fan of sweet deserts, that's why i just love this as it has not only very sweet part, but also a bit of sour that makes it perfect combination!
First you need to cook wild sour berry jelly. I'm using mix because that's what is possible to find in London shops. when it's done it needs to become cold.
While jelly is being prepared, oat…
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very delicious

Fxtrader500 avatar

Nice, but I prefer chocolate :D

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Sep.


geula4x avatar
geula4x 22 Oct.

+1 Liked: looks tasty :-) Enjoy :-)

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