

My emotions

Good morning,
Emotions accompany us during our whole life. Human without emotions is like not real.
There are people who could manage emotions as well. It is good, but maybe not always.
Sometimes emotions manage us, and it is also not always good.
Anyway, In some situations, we have to allow to flow our emotions, especially when its is positive.
Positive emotions is always good not only for us, but also for people around.
Positive human is always nice, no matter appearance, age, social status
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
kolokol avatar
kolokol 2014年04月25日

Илона это нечто, особенно от вас !))))Весело)))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年04月25日

kolokol , я старалась :) вообще то я по жизни веселый человек, может тут в виртуальном общении кажется по другому...но это не так - я веселый, позитивный человек

babonasfx avatar
babonasfx 2014年04月27日

smesnoje zafanije

babonasfx avatar
babonasfx 2014年04月27日

zadanije, xxox


My photo-bomb

Specially for this task, I did something what I've never done before. Probably many of you know that bee-master go to the bees with special clothing and special bee-master cap. The first time in my life I took comb which was full of bees with naked hands, without any special clothing and any cap. Bees were calm and didn't attack me, it is told that bees feel people.....In the first pic you can see me with a comb full of bees, and in a second pic you can see how looks bee-master with a special cl…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
alltrade avatar
alltrade 2013年08月26日

That's seems dangerous lol

meyermasha avatar
meyermasha 2013年08月30日

Wow!!! Thats more than Brave lady O_O

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2013年10月25日

meyermasha, sometimes we need to be brave :)
