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TOP 5 Miss Dukascopy Tasks

I want to share with you my TOP 5 Dukascopy Tasks:
Of course its in my opinion, those tasks bring me new experience and joy
They also So creative and interesting!inspiring! Thank you Team for creating it!
I think girls will agree, that those tasks brings colours in our lives!))
And those who watching us doung it It will be interesting to know your opinion?
Sometimes this tasks are funny) And everybody did them in theyr own way! Its interesting.
So: Task Pretend you'e a
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Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

It's hard to choose)

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 11 Nov.

парень из девушки :)) получилось круто!

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Rate from 1 to 10

Parka coat is Fall 2014 must-have! Rate from 1 to 10 how do you like it and get +5 task points added to your latest completed task!
Куртка-парка это один из главных трендов осенне-зимнего сезона! Оцени от 1 до 10 насколько тебе нравится эта деталь гардероба и получи +5 баллов к последнему выполненному заданию.
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KarynaPavlova avatar

8. This is a nice piece of wardrobe, It is comfortable for walks and camping, it saves you from rain and keeps you warm. Plus, it can hide some of the shapes of your body that you don't like, although I have always considered it more beautiful on skinny girls.
So I put 8 only because it is not really my style:)

Isahanova avatar
Isahanova 29 Oct.

My mark iiiis....9! I would put 10 but one minus is that if it will be rainy, parka will be wet as well! But I love the style, I love that is very warm. You can wear all kind of shoes with it ! (of course except high heels :D But still its very fashionable and stylish :)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Oct.

ОХ, я считаю что это незаменимая вещь. Правда, когда идешь в магазин, или на прогулку с друзьями, не формальную встречу, такая вещь в стиле кежуал будет очень удобной, выглядеть современно, особенно если такая куртка исполнена из натуральных материалов это шикарно. Лично я предпочитаю вещи только из таковых. Котон мой любимый, на пример, для повседневной жизни.
+ Такое пальтишко хочешь того, или нет, заставит чувствовать себя подростком, а это, согласитесь, всегда приятно :)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Oct.

Так что я считаю, это определенно 10-ка!))

Lyudmyla_Ionova avatar

100%, a very useful thing!!!

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Mahi De

Finally Im Home
Want to share an my "Bollywood" dance with you and the story behind it
One year ago, I took a part in one online training course, about reaching the AIM.
Everybody should write a list of aims and wishes and choose one.
Promise of the course was that after 100 steps you will reach your aim.
And we had everyday tasks with deadline by the midnight. (who will not complete it, is OUT)
So I was original as always and decide to choose one wish, witch I had when I was 16 years old. …
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JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 1 Apr.

wow)) i like your dance) and how this training course ends?

Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 3 Apr.

А как посмотреть сам танец?  У меня только фотография открывается. 

aldem avatar
aldem 3 Apr.

Lebedj, а по ссылочке пройти, которая прямо над фотографией.

JungaBunga avatar

:) So emotional, so as u r in real life?

Alisabremen avatar

so romantic!

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About Hat thing and Winter :)

I remind that I have funny video from Youth project "Share the Winter" it was about fighting with winter depression and sharing our Baltic winter with others. There were participants from Portugal, Hungary, Lithuania and Latvia.
So in this project we did lot of good things, we organised event in orphan house, showing workshops, playing sharada games and givings a gifts: we had prepared a sleigh for children, which we coloured by ourselves with care.
About this video: one day we as participan…
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ha haI like this cards! This one is appropriate for our tasks girls! ))I like our tasks here on Miss Dukascopy 2013. Contest and I do them with great attention...stay tuned...I'm waiting for new one!!!
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Jessa avatar
Jessa 10 Sep.

Its a multitasking

seediee avatar
seediee 10 Sep.

ooo yes, it is! :))))

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 10 Sep.

Good task

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