alifari's Blog


FOMC Meeting - Another 10 Billion Taper Possibility

Upcoming week is considered another important week on USD pairs based on the fact that Fed is expected to taper another 10b in next FOMC Meeting as it is quite evident form their previous statements that Fed wants out of the asset purchase business on the belief that tapering is not tightening and even if it was tightening, they could compensate via forward guidance.
Despite recent data from US which strongly support another tapering EURUSD continues to go up and there are no signs yet of a sel…
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Today's Price Action on EURUSD and GBPUSD

Yesterday’s taper announcement by the Fed was no doubt a significant change of course in US monetary policy and should in the long run prove positive for the dollar, assuming US growth remains on track. However, but maintaining a resolutely dovish bias towards rates and by stressing their concern over disinflation, the Fed muted the impact of their actions on the FX market and limited the downside in EUR/USD and GBP/USD for the time being.
Moreover, we have seen muted price reaction on USD pair…
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FOMC Prediction from Big Banks

"Only way to make it in this game is to forget about everyone else's opinions & look @ market thru your own eyes"

The following were the expectations for the FOMC December policy decision on Wednesday by the economists at Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citibank, and other leading banks.
Goldman Sachs: Our central forecast for the first tapering move remains March, with January possible as well. We see a decision to taper this
week as unlikely for three reasons.
Bank of America: O…
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 18 déc

+1 Liked: An important topic, likely to move markets in the nearyby future, at least! Happy trading :-)

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