AdamFx42's Blog


Creeping up a little higher yesterday

I have moved up to place 61 from 120 in the contest yesterday

My Usd long positions were doing a bit better yesterday, and I moved up in the rankings
I was stopped out due to weekend leverage (again) yesterday, though
Just a bit of bad luck, that cost me a few points of my order quality in the contest
I will be opening my long Usd positions again on Monday
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Stopped out but back in before FOMC

I was stopped out (again) yesterday
I was down to around 20K when my Nzd/Usd long was stopped out yesterday afternoon
I was going to give up again
then I remembered what one of the community members once said to me:
you never give up
This made sense, and I thought that I might try to get my 100K back again this month
It would be better than pulling another 80% loss statistic
I would blame myself later for not trying, if it came to, for example, a leading place in the trader of the year contest
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