annatimone's Blog


Ice Breakers! Task 21

Whether you want to start a conversation with someone new and you want to get a meeting off to a great start, a good ice breaker can help you make a memorable first impression. It can turn that first encounter with someone new into something wonderful—maybe even a lasting friendship or valuable partnership or great business connection.
A bad ice breaker, however, can be a recipe for disaster. It can spiral out of control pretty quickly and at best be a terrible waste of time—or worse, an embarra…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
jezz avatar
jezz 28 Paź

Nice and practical

mag avatar
mag 28 Paź

much experience in many acts !!!

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Top 10 Social Dog Breeds. Who is your favorite?

If you are a big animal lover, like I am, no animal is better than another. However, apparently certain breeds of dogs are famed for their sociable dispositions. Let’s meet some of them below, but of course personality varies. So, don't assume that every member of a certain breed will be your “baby”. Early socialization, effective training, and continuing opportunities to interact with people in many different situations and places all contribute to the development of a dog who is genuinely o…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Sie

why dont you put some photos, i cant define them, who is my favorite :(((

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