

About the swiss gold referendum...

A little note from me today after the month end flows which were hopefully successful for all of you.
This week on Sunday, the Switzerland gold referendum will be eyed most in the forex world.
Why is this referendum so much important and how may it affect the markets?
We got to see first what is this all about:
1. Referendum will enforce the SNB to hold all gold reserves in the country.
2. Gold reserves should not fall below 20 %.
3. The referendum will enforce SNB to not sell gold.
If th…
翻译为 英语 显示原始

About the swiss gold referendum and what to watch out

A little note from me today after the month end flows which were hopefully successful for all of you.
This week on Sunday, the Switzerland gold referendum will be eyed most in the forex world.
Why is this referendum so much important and how may it affect the markets?
We got to see first what is this all about:
1. Referendum will enforce the SNB to hold all gold reserves in the country.
2. Gold reserves should not fall below 20 %.
3. The referendum will enforce SNB to not sell gold.
If th…
翻译为 英语 显示原始