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Отсортировано по тагам:  Shoes

Casadei Bridal Shoes

Бренд Casadei основан в 1958 году в Италии. Родители Чезаре Касадэи имели собственную линию по производству летней обуви для туристов. После окончания университета Чезаре занимает пост коммерческого директора , а вскоре открывает креативное направление бренда.
У Чезаре особый взгляд на обувь . Он считает ,что это отражение человека . Изысканность , экстравагантность, высокий каблук и чувственность его творений давно покорили "Красную дорожку " и сердца тысяч красавиц.
В апреле этого года бренд C…
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tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 11 Апр.

hehee... will try this shoes :):):).. may  fit to my pirate suit

nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 11 Апр.

красота, конечно! Для фото-сессии я бы выбрала высоченный каблук. А потом балетки бы переодела что бы чувствовать себя абсолютно комфортно. Существуют свадебные балетки?

JuliannaS avatar
JuliannaS 11 Апр.

nastiatru  да конечно ))) У меня тоже были балетки после прогулки )

nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 11 Апр.

ойй какая прелесть!! Они мне больше чем туфли нравятся!!!

JuliannaS avatar
JuliannaS 11 Апр.

мне даже кажется ,что делают образ невесты нежнее и сказочнее)

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Shoes Paradise

Hey Community!
Today I would like to know your opinion about women shoes ))
Ladies, what kind of shoes do you usually wear? Flats? High heels? Wedges? Sneakers? Which is your best style?
Guys, what kind shoes do you like to see girls wear? Which style do you consider as the most elegant and sexy?
As for me I love high heels! I can't go out with flat shoes. . It is almost never happened to me! Only Sundays and if high heels are not appropriate. However, I have flats in my wardrobe, even uggs, des
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 25 Февр.

ААааааааа клаааассс)))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 25 Февр.

i love louboutins shoes for my private taste and high heels is making the shape of your women body very special, sexy and amazing, heels can be used for many other situation than going out.... i will let your imagination work on it....
PS, if you need massage for your little feets, i am available 24/7 ahahahah :p

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 25 Февр.

ahahah! I just love your sense of humor maximemc8)))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 Февр.

ahahaha :) french humour is not too bad .....

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Love them? Or hate them?

Dear Dukascopy ladies and gentlemen,
I want to get your opinion on these shoes.
Love them? Or hate them?
The Monaco Princess, who is the sister of Prince Albert II, attended a fundraising dinner for Monaco's new
national museum. The royal wore a black dress and nude heels that looked
strangely like feet. Shoes with a pedicure is built right in
The tromp l'oeil shoes, complete with painted toenails, were part of Céline 's spring/summer 2013 collection, and generated a ton of buzz from…
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sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 19 Сент.

I hate them. nothing sexy, horrible

annatimone avatar
annatimone 20 Сент.

I completely agree with all of you. These shoes are horrible! Very ugly and creepy!

Tatiana_Tim avatar
Tatiana_Tim 21 Сент.

very ugly!

olga_pierson avatar
olga_pierson 21 Сент.

bad fashion

Trader_Andrew avatar
Trader_Andrew 21 Сент.


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Want to Impress a Lady? Clean Your Shoes

Eyes, teeth, hands—all popular things to admire (and judge) when we meet a potential romantic interest. But a recent survey conducted by Allen Edmonds tapped into a more superficial point of attraction that I can relate to: shoes. Interviews with over 1,000 women and men revealed that "Women are more likely to say shoes reflect their date’s (or husband’s) fashion sense (64 percent for women v. 34 percent for men), personality (52 percent for women v. 24 percent of men), financial position (36 pe…
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