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What am I? a War Monger, a Masochist, an Adventurist

You need to make Pips,You need to watch your trade go against you you think, they're goes a week's food shopping, there goes a months rent... and you need to have the courage and mental fortitude to stick to your conviction on why you entered the trade in the first place// The market will torture you psychologically. It is all part of the Game or should I say War Game. Survival Skills require me to think of it as a game just like snakes and ladders. This is a first post so we will all kn
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Verenea777 avatar
Verenea777 28 Apr.

Интересный пример!

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What am I? a War Monger, a Masochist, an Adventurist, a Player? Who Knows! Its Fun, Its the Game

You need to make Pips,You need to watch your trade go against you you think, they're goes a week's food shopping, there goes a months rent... and you need to have the courage and mental fortitude to stick to your conviction on why you entered the trade in the first place// The market will torture you psychologically. It is all part of the Game or should I say War Game. Survival Skills require me to think of it as a game just like snakes and ladders.
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Strategyrunner avatar

Thank you

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