carpe's Blog



EUR/USD mark: 1.0585
Forecast: Upside
Key points:
1st Resistance: 1.06827
2nd Resistance: 1.07681
1st Support: 1.0585
2nd support: 1.04935
Ichimoku: Span A: 1.06129
: Span B: 1.05832
On chart
Pay attention to the eclipse figure. There are located several critical decisions, especially: Ichimoku Span's, the inrsection point between the ascending longitudinal line and the actual exchange rate
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GBP/NZD mark: 1.7834
Forecast: Upside
Key points
Resistance: 1.7945
1st Support: 1.7785
Senkou Span A: 1.7832
Senkou Span B: 1.7778
On chart:
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GBP/USD (updating)

GBP/USD mark: 1.2371
Forecast: Upside
Key points:
1st Support: 1.2371
Ichimoku Senkou Span B: 1.2346
Resistance: 1.2635
On chart
The range betwenn 1.2340 - 1.2370 criticall: is where Fibonacci Retracement (50%) 1st support and Ichimoku Senkou Span B are located. I think price will retrace from here. If not it will go further down until 1.2200 and 1.2100.
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GBP/USD mark: 1.2468
Forecast: Upside
Key points
1st support: 1.2418
1st Resistance: 1.2558
Ichimoku: Senkou Span A: 1.2425
On chart
Price is sidelining. If brokes the descending longitudinal linal then next stop will be around 1.27500. By the other hand if the shadow/window is broken then 1.21500 is possible in the near future. However, Ichimoku shadow has been quite supportive above 1.2425 and probably will keep on it.
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NZD/USD mark: 0.6974
Forecast (next days): Upside
Key points:
Resistance: 0.7320
Ichimoku Senkou span B: 0.7118
Support: 0.6880
Resistance: 0.7065Ichimoku Senkou span A: 0.7023Support: 0.6964
On chart:
Price is close to the lowest level since the beggining of the year. Next big wave will bring it around 0.72500
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GBP/NZD (updating)

GBP/NZD mark: 1.7843Forecast: UpsideKey points:Resistance: 1.7940Support: 1.7785Ichimoku: Senkou span A: 1.7792On chart:
I keep the scenario drwan yesterday. Price can retrace again until 1.7800 before rise until until 1.8000. If the base of the upside longitudinal line were kroken then the price will probably goes deep downward until the base of the channel.
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