Erka_shildeg's Blog


Tips on self improvement

Tips for Self-improvement
Our efficiency improves by applying simple handful few techniques. Some of these are:
  • Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain and our brain power boosts
  • Every brain is wired and forms the habits by repeatedly doing the same action over course of time (21-66 days depending on difficulty levels of habits)
  • Sleeping well helps our body strength and clear focused thinking
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Aging Well versus Anti-Aging!

I was reading one of my favorite book "On Target Living" and section about lifestyle struck me and made me think about the importance of lifestyle, exercise and food habits. Most of us too concentrated on money making and occupied with business forgetting the most important part the self. I would like to share the fact in the following passages.
In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed up with National Geographic and hired the best longevity researchers to identify pockets around the world where people live…
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Compound effect

How compound effect works
Recently I have been reading through a book titled “Compound Effect” written by Darren Hardy and it gave me a food for thought that I wanted to share with you a summary of the main points that come across to my attention. It describes three Friends- Mr. A, Mr. B, Mr. C. They’re all married and have an average health and body weight, plus a little bit of that dreaded “marriage flab.”
Condition at the beginning of the comparison
Mr. A- Starts making some small seemingly i…
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How the habits are built in our body and mind

Building lifetime habit
My purpose of selecting tasks related to lifestyle is to really try and experience its results and witness the positive change that comes when people adopt a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle. There are many advisers and thousands of books have already written about this subject but a very few individuals have practiced and bravely announce that look I have made differences. So it is crucial to plan the tasks and implement the plan systematically.
We might need…
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Choice of lifestyle

Choice of lifestyle

Basically productive, energetic and healthy lifestyle requires 3 simple rules.
  • Rest enough
  • Eat clean
  • Move daily
Our body is meant to move daily but unintentionally we choose not to make time to move our bodies on a daily basis. Example, I sit 8-10 hours daily, sitting at the office during work hours and trading during the evening and I realize that time I spend being physically active had been dramatically declined as compare to childhood or young age. Today, I had been in th…
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