AdamFx42's Blog


Looking to gain on Euro retracement

I am looking to gain some money on Eur retracement in the contest
EurUsd is on the way up, and should retrace a bit on resistance
I will short Eur crosses after every day it moves up around 100 pips
I will be hoping to grab a few retracement pips
and maybe regain my top 10 position again
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Retracement towards support level before next move up in USD

Ater failing to break 119 Usd/Jpy seems to have put in a top for now
The price remains below 118, and a retracement from the highs seems to be happening
On the weekly chart we can see the red candles forming and the price starting to move down,
the top is just below 119, and the last big move up on the weekly chart
provides us with a natural retracement towards the 38.2% fibonacci retracement level eventually;
this level lies around 113
We see that the weekly RSI_14 is also extremely high - abov…
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AdamFx42 avatar

Pair has moved up to 120 - so high was not in place before retracement yet,
it should happen soon though - I stand by a pullback before 120 is broken definately
It has only just pierced the level now, but not can hold above yet

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 10 Dic

Deeper retracement has started now from a higher level -- near 1.22,
but price has already broken below 118 now - and 115 could be the next target

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 16 Dic

Deeper retracement has set in now - with Usd/Jpy just above 116,
about 100 pipsabove target now, this weakness should see the pair reach 115 - my target,
before it can reverse now

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Looking to sell against the Yen - crazy, or not?

When the markets open tonight I will be looking for an opportunity to sell one or more currencies
against the Yen - meaning I will be looking to go short Gbp/Jpy, or short Eur/Jpy, Aud/Jpy, Nzd/Jpy etc.
Am I crazy doing this - with all this Usd strength around, and Usd/Jpy sky-rocketing,
the Japan economic easing - weakening their currency ...
you would certainly think that I have lost it, but look at it this way:
Remember a couple of years ago when US QE was the big news,
everyone was looking t…
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fxsurprise8 avatar

try it :P

AdamFx42 avatar

Will do

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Possible retracement for Majors against the yen - warning signs

I believe we may be looking at a possible pullback against the Yen of all major pairs,
I have noticed a couple of warning signs on the market - signs that indicate that a top is in place for a lot of pairs
against the Yen, and support levels that have not been tested yet, may be tested soon
Most noticeable warning sign is Nzd/Jpy, which is a so-called 'commodity currency' and a good indicator of market
sentiment; the pair has just put in a five year high, but closed with a gravestone doji and s…
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GBP weakness expected

I am shorting GBP at the beginning of the tournament as I believe that there should be some pullback in GBP/USD and
subsequently in other GBP-crosses
Technically GBP is too high - at overbought, and should show retracement to the downside
Fundamentally there could be some shift to make this possible, as there is some growing uncertainty in UK about the government path and the economic strength in the UK
Moreover, there is the question of growing interest in USD, and US economic strength that cou…
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Daytrader21 avatar

I kind of fell the same about cable, it may turn back in to the range but I'm not shorting it yet I'm waiting for tonight close before to take any decision. I would love to see the close near the current high, than I will comfortable sell it.

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