

What do you know about energy sublimation?
Do you know what is it?

The development of civilization ruled by human feelings.
Napoleon Hill

In addition it should be said that they aim to develop only in the ability to use the energy of the senses
What feeling is the strongest? It's no secret that sexual feeling is stronger than all the others. Also love can do wonders and create a huge amount of energy, regardless of whether it's happy or love is unrequited love, which was the motivation for the…
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garisan avatar
garisan 2015年02月28日

There are many ways to achieve that. Traditional ways are Tantra Yoga and Taoism but there is another more practical way formulated by Austin Osman Spare who created the so called Chaos Magick that mainly directs your sexual energy toward goals.

Take care,

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 2015年03月02日

Да... похоже правда написана! Согласен с идеями из этой статьи.

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2015年03月02日

garisan Thank you, Gabriel for so interesting knowledges. I don't know  much in the histore of this direction, i educated only psyhological side. And now i know where i must search answers for some question that i have with this practice.




1. We surround ourselves with information corresponding to our beliefs

We prefer people who think the same way as we do. If we agree with someone else's beliefs, we strive to get closer. On the other hand, we begin to subconsciously ignore anything that might threaten our vision of the world. We surround ourselves with people and information that confirms what we already think.
2. We believe in the "illusion of swimmer's body"
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FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 2015年02月19日

Пункт 4 можно отнести и к Forex

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2015年02月19日

1. Мы окружаем себя информацией, соответствующей нашим убеждениям
2. Мы верим в «иллюзию тела пловца»
3. Мы сожалеем об уже потерянных вещах
4. Мы неверно предсказываем вероятность событий.

Наверное в той или иной мере все пункты учат нас психологически. А это как известно около 70% успеха на Форексе.

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 2015年02月20日

Правильно заметила



American psychologist Andrew Salter mentions six qualities of
confident people:
1. The open expression of feelings and spontaneity in communication.
2. The correspondence between verbal and non-verbal expression of feelings.
3. Self-confidence, the ability to protect their own opinions and desires.
4. Willingness to take responsibility and to speak on their behalf, using the pronoun "I" instead of "we", not trying to hide behind a facade blurry a
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demovslive avatar
demovslive 2015年02月12日

Nice. I like your artikel.

muye avatar
muye 2015年02月12日

thanks @ANABEVZ I like the article verry much - and I found a lot of Points exactly like I am.
yes - I love psychology - if you bring in the future more aricle about this Topic?  - I know you will - that´s why I thank you in advance. - prima - bravo. :)

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2015年02月12日

thank you for so nice words!)

muye You are saturate my inspiration!
I'm happy that you like it - i will write something more interesting in future ..)

muye avatar
muye 2015年02月12日

o...  ok I wait for , thanks again :) good luck :)

fxsurprise8 avatar
fxsurprise8 2015年02月12日

I like the first part of the article but not the second. My confidence doesn't depend on what I can provide for a woman.


Running on a rake/Бегущие по граблям

Hi, dear community!
Today is the last day of the competition, and all my posts will be a bit of a personal nature.In the following words hidden subtext about my feelings, I hope you will understand it.
All we're not just step on a rake. It does not matter whether or not we are traders. Rakes there on any way. You are rich or poor, successful or not. Rakes - an integral part of the road. But that's why someone found some forces do not attack more once, invented workarounds, and some chose to go a
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Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 2014年10月31日

Мне кажется, что нигде нет столько «граблей», как на валютной или на фондовой бирже(

speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月31日

well, people have very short memory, especially in trading

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月31日

speculo_ergo_sum The memory is one of the problem... But in this running i think the biggest problem that people haven't paticience..

marius24 avatar
marius24 2014年10月31日

wish you good luck

men79 avatar
men79 2014年11月02日

all the best



Hi, guys !! I spoke with traders and found that many of them have a certain dependence on the market.
Ask a question for youself: Do you have this dependence with market? Can you live without a trade couple of days?

Person is pretty weak creature and often depends on any detrimental effects - drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. But in regard to trading, Is there a dependence of forex?
Researchers believe that this dependence have place and it is very similar to the others, and especially on gambli…
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月31日

first of all -- trading is not gaming or gambling

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月31日

not all understand this thing - and this is one of the reason to lost money in trading...

marius24 avatar
marius24 2014年10月31日

i am agree with speculo

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 2014年10月31日

Тогда ладно. Тебе виднее) Если, тем более, ты все время в движении к цели ))

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 2014年11月21日

You are saying that we might be addicted from the wonderfull influx of adrenaline and the great pleasure that overcoming challanges and bringing in profitable trades gives us??????
I say NO NO NO
We are not addicted!
I can surely go without trading for a couple of days (or was that a couple of hours?), but how miserable that might be!!!


Трансформация трейдера

Доброго времени суток, сообщество!
Хочу затронуть тему "ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ТРЕЙДЕРА".

На многих форумах я читала отзывы того, как Форекс изменил жизнь или же не изменил ее. Отметила для себя, что в большинстве случаев изменения были. И не только в материальном положении человека, но и в психологическом.
Каждый человек, своевольно выбравший для себя работу трейдера проходит достаточно долгий путь перед тем, как стать успешным в этой сфере, а иногда и просто для того, чтобы стабильно зарабатывать.
Все …
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ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月29日

ilonalt Я полностью с тобой согласна! И то, что мы учимся здесь на своих же ошибках - это ценнее сотни советов. Ведь только то, что пережито и прочувствовано можно  проанализировать праильно и с учетом наименьших деталей.

evilspeculator avatar
evilspeculator 2014年10月30日

Good stuff - I actually get out of my chair every 30 minutes - sitting KILLS you. And of course I never miss my gym time! ;-)

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 2014年10月31日

Сложная тема ....

speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月31日

the problem is that traders run out of money by the moment they learn something:)

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月31日

true, but to attain something we almost also must to give something or run out, like in trading


The fears of Forex

Hello, community! Have you some fears related with Forex?
One of the most important tasks of a trader on open spaces of Forex market is to learn to restrain themselves, to manage emotions, to minimize fears and phobias. It is important to learn to manage own emotions , and only then you can normally earn.
There are many fears on Forex. One of them is associated with errors. Many believe that the errors to be feared, and ponder this: making a mistake, it makes you into others' eyes loser. This is…
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ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月29日

wow! So, I wish you continued success, more profitable trades and less stressful situations!

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月30日

ilonalt thanks for your comment, it could help me:)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年10月30日

isomere , you know, as we are still alive, we always have possibilities to earn money and to change something in our life. When people die they cant not do all that....Ok, if I lost my money - it is not good of course, I'm not happy of it, but it is not worst thing in life. There are some more important things in life than money.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月31日

fear and greed are two indispensable parts of any investment

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 2015年01月17日

Это как в любой азартной игре, как только начинаешь слишком сильно рисковать - сразу проигрываешь!


The apex of success or a sense of completion

Hello! Did you reach your goals this week?

Great, the goal is achieved. You are happy and satisfied. It does not matter the value of the target.
If you want to really get things done, you will surely achieve it, will overcome all obstacles. You've been going to your victories. You went out of all forces and finally got what you want. Perfect! It should allow the body to spend some time in triumph. But carried away by strong emotions and do not let them to master _ This goal has been achieved, an…
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ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月25日

JockPippin Agree! In trading, it is important to observe the time limits and to properly evaluate achieved results

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月25日

VictoriaVika These unpleasant thoughts and feelings need to be overcome as quickly as possible. As sooner is located a new goal, the less time to empty ...
But in trading everything differently the goals are  bunch).

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月25日

verindur  Thanks for your opinion! Can you agree with me that trading is the profession where goals never run out?

verindur avatar
verindur 2014年10月25日

Its like Football. You score 1. You want More + .....+.....+

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月25日

And all because there is no limit to perfection.
Any record can be changed)


How strong is your motivation?

Hello! How strong is your motivation?
To achieve trading success is required motivation!
Add to your lungs - these new lungs called motivation. Breathe with motivation.
Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

It can be caused by various reasons. For some it is the goal and the opportunity to become a rich man. The other is much more important to prove to themselves and others that he is smarter and more capable than many, and can effectively make the stock market.
Simple greed - I want to win a million, not …
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月24日

besides, there are people who just LOVE saying, I told you so:))))))) The GBP is down -- I told you so:))))) etc

speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月24日

being right for the sake of being right:)))))

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月24日

and here you are right)
But I'm not one of them)) exactly I try to do what I love and enjoy what I do)

speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月24日

try to become one:))))) You will enjoy it very much:L))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月24日

i'm already enjoying)))


The strength of Patience

Если хочешь поймать дичь , лучше не спеши. Молчи и жди, ей наверняка станет любопытно, и она высунет нос.
Харпер Ли

You closed position and lost most of the profits ..
If yes - then patience is clearly not your strongest quality.
Patience - it's psychological quality of person. This concept is quite abstract. First, each person understanding of ​​patience - own . Secondly, accurate measures of patience does not exist.
Suppose you tend to close positions on Forex ahead of time. This is a sign th…
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ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月23日

Stix I remember one saying to our topic: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush)

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 2014年10月23日

Down, Wait, OK, Good boy!

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年10月23日

I agree, ANABEVZ. Contentment is wise. Peace brings wisdom. Understanding brings peace. So, for me, it's a process. But not necessarily the right way for everyone. Maybe it is better to see a trend, get on late, get out late. And analyze later. I preferred analyze, analyze, analyze - until there is utter peace. And then know the work is done. Could be a female approach too but I prefer getting the work done, rather than having false contentment ! Silly me. :) :)

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月24日

Stix I think your approach is very wise and correct. Not everyone will find the strength to choose this way. Enjoying every day, and not only on the the day of receiving the result - that's the true meaning of our existence.

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月24日

Good article!
