Metal_Mind's Blog


AUD/USD - Fundamentals lead the price !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7787
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NZD/USD - ,,Greenback'' struggles!

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Retracements, CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7638
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 Apr.

UPDATE 1:The pair reached the targed already retesting it until now for at least 2 times.The current deviation is only 14 pips from target but with half a month to go there are still a lot of price developments to factor in right now.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 Apr.

UPDATE 2:  Recent US macroeconomic weak data send the dollar in the red territory and helped all other currencies gain as result including the kiwi. From a technical point of view i can say current price development lead me to the idea that my target could not been reached but i hang on and think that we could see see the greenback recoup .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 Apr.

UPDATE 3 : Current price is 0.7691 which is really a long way from my target. The only way to hit the current target would be  to see tomorrow a fast sell which from a technical point of view can be highly probable.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : After 2 hours  since settlement the prediction hit the target. Late but still a great prediction . I am very proud of this result.

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NZD/CAD- Strengthens further more !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI, Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.9515
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 Apr.

UPDATE 1: The pair is trading at 0.9376 which is over 300 pips from target. I was a bit to bullish on the kiwi but still with half a month things can go very well. We shall have to wait and see.If the current reatracents finds a supports and develop a higher low there are high chances to narrow the deviation.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 Apr.

UPDATE 2: As said in previous update i was expecting a higher low  which formed 2 days ago on  the 0.9297 level .The new formed support was strong and from there the price action jumped over 100 pips in that day. I may say that the current outlook is definitely very good . We would probably see a 270 to 300 pips ascent  and afterwards a retracement which could be exactly what needed to hit my target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 Apr.

UPDATE 3 : The prediction is  very far from target.

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EUR/GBP - Trend Reversal !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8008
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EUR/GBP - Bearish price action !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8141
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1:EXCELENT PREDICTION. The pair had the bearish price action that i managed to predict so accuratly. In the first chart i  draw some support zones towards which the price action might be heading and where it can encounter resistance. My wiew at the time of analysis was that  the sell wave will find support at 0.8337 price level but the  momentum was much strong and the price action pushed lower finding  support in its lowest point at 0.7957 which is only 4 pips away  from 0.7953 my second support that i draw in the first chart.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE1 -Part 2 :As i mentioned in this analysis the red circled area in the first chart was  very important  because it helped me predicted & project future price action developement based on historical price reaction. This idee of mine proved very accurate if we take into consideration that the pair found support at 0.7957 ,only 4 pips away from the support that i draw in first chart.Current price level is 0.8024 which is only 72 pips bellow  the target.This one truly remarkable prediction and has all the premises to hit the target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 June

UPDATE 2: The deviation from target increased in the meantime  to  96 pips. This prediction still remain in the books.

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EUR/NZD - Range to be expected!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 1.5866
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1: Current price level is 1.5600 which is at over 300 pips deviation from target .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 June

UPDATE 2: Deviation increased to over 400 pips.

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CAD/CHF - Bullish reversal !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8150
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1 : EXCELENT PREDICTION :The bullish reversal occured as predicted with  great accuracy & quality.Target has been reached as expected and the pair now is making its first retracement . Everything gone  very well and according to the charts that i draw above.The deviation from my target is only 30 pips now ,curent price level is 0.8327. I have high hopes for this prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 June

UPDATE 2: Since my last look , the pair had  a good run, narrowing the previous deviation of 30 pips to just 11 pips now , current price level beiing  0.8348.I see the pair consolidating in the days to come in a 50 pips range  so the final result could be interesting.As a conclusion i might add that this prediction played out really well.

Metal_Mind avatar

UPDATE 3: Current price level is 0.8320. The deviation increased to 37 pips as the the trend had a  bearish corection. With only 2 hours to go i dont know if the price action can recover this loss but if the fundamental will help  we could see a wiiner.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : The price at the settlement is 0.8318  representing a deviation of 39 pips from my target.

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CAD/JPY-Dance between fan lines!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 93.80
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1 : EXCELENT PREDICTION . The bullish breakout that i anticipated happened exact as i described it above. Now the pair is heading higher every day forming the bullish trend i talked about. Current price level is  94.98 which is only 16 pips deviation from my target. This is a very good prediction and  of great quality & accuracy also.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 June

UPDATE 2: The pair moved in a 40 pips range lately  but  at the Friday close  ,the price was 95.04 which means that the overall deviation narrrowed itself from 16 pips to 10 pips now. This range movment is a bit tricky and  the final result may vary alot ,though this prediction is  quite remakable.I anticipated very well the dance between fan lines.

Metal_Mind avatar

UPDATE 3: Remarkable prediction . Current price level is 95.17 that meaning only a 3 pips deviation from my target. Current price action is set to continue the bullish momentum. I hope a correction will happen in  the hours left to reduce the deviation.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : The price at the settelment time was 95.23 that  representing a 9 pips deviation from target or 0.09% . Very good prediction  overall despite the deviation.

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USD/JPY-From Range to Breakout!

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,EMA 200,100,50.
Current Level :102.08

USD/JPY after two monts ago reached an high at (105) level has begin retracing to (102) price level , which lasted most of January.The dollar hited a 1 month low.The current price level hit fibonacci retracement level 38.20%(102.20) and from the look of it ,last month i belived we would have by now a bullish trend at (104) price level.
That has not happend , the pair moved all
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Convallium avatar
Convallium 28 Feb.

I like your prediction)

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1: Currently the trend is in a range. On 17 march  the pair  reach an  low at 101.20 which was on the right track and closer to my target. Current price level now is 102.22 which is  an 220 pips deviation .This big range started on 3 February and now has pass over 2 month. Personally i see a bearish brekout soon and this prediction will be quite good even if the timming won t be so precise.   

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Metal_Mind 28 Mar.

UPDATE 2: Friday closing price was 102.84  sending the deviation to more than 240 pips.

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EUR/NZD -Bearish Sentiment

Charts: 4Hours, 1 DAY.
Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,Support & Resistance Levels , MACD, EMA 200,100,50.
Current Level :1.6451

EUR/NZD is definately set for a bearish retracement from current bullish trend. The pair is currently moving within fan lines and fibonacci retracements retesting important price levels ,support & resistances.Next move that i expect is a run until (1.64) price level followed by a false bullish run and after that a complete & gradual fall of the
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Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1 :The direction is definatly good. The trend is bearish as i anticipated  but what i didn t anticipated is the  strength of  the kiwi  which  made the pair plummet  over 600 pips from the time i put thi prediction and send the pair 400 pips below my target.

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