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Отсортировано по тагам:  Present

Вариант подарка

Иногда бывают ситуации, когда нужно выбрать подарок для человека, у которого есть все.
Если вы также как и я часто мучаетесь вопросом, что подарить близкому человеку, лучшему другу, коллеге или соседу на небольшое событие или порадовать просто так, без повода, то выбирайте печать на одежде. Точно не прогадаете! Яркая и стильная майка с фотографией или толстовка – это стиль casual, который идет абсолютно всем.
И тут вариации ограничиваются только вашей фантазией. Это вещь будет оригинальной, еди…
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This Task is quit interesting, and made me think.. What is worst present I get from men.
And I can remember only one...and that's all. I like presents anyway, it means - CARE
And I know, if you worried about present..its better to tell what you wish
But about one "worst" present from men, it was on my birthday from one person I know, it was - present bag with toys, and there were - rolling mouse toy. I don't know what he thinking about... but anyway that was strange. - I found p…
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What does your palm say about you?

Palmistry is the art of reading character and destiny from the shape of the hand and the lines of the palm. It is not fortune-telling but about knowing yourself and where you are going. Unlike a psychic reading, the palm gives us a map of our life and it is up to us to make the most of it: through self-awareness we can shape our fate and affect our future. Left or Right Handed? The hand you use is called the major, or outer hand. This indicates any future events, as well as what you are like o…
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Haynes6EU 30 Авг.


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