AdamFx42's Blog


Closed two positions and held one

I closed two of my three positions yesterday
As we were heading into the weekend, and weekend leverage
I had to close at least one of my positions
I was short GbpUsd, EurAud and EurNzd
I decided to keep my EurNzd short open through the weekend
Nzd is quite low at the moment, and may go up again
while Eur is at resistance levels and should go down again
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Creeping back up to top 10 again

A lot is depending on a bullish Usd, or at least a bounce in UsdJpy to secure my top 10 position now
am long UsdJpy and short everything else against the dollar, still ..
I left my positions during yesterday and tonight and are hoping for a UsdJpy upmove
I am learning the hard way that the toughest thing for a trader is to not trade
I was nice and comfortable at position five last week, and should have waited for a perfect entry
Instead I felt that I was being kept out of the market somehow
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