Alexana5's Blog


Political? Immigration?

I don't want to rise up Political issues, but this article is interesting.
I will be interested in your opinion about this too.

So, the article called "2nd Largest Nationality Living In Each European Country".
Here it is:
What thoughts came up to your mind, when you see this map?
I can say, that Im partly agree in some way.
This summer I been in Greece, Rhodes, and I met people who came to work there for a season.
Mostly ther…
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 9 Mar.

хочу жить в стране, где всегда тепло и светит солнышко)

atasoy avatar
atasoy 10 Mar.

the map is incorrect ....

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 10 Mar.

There are many Indians in the U.K  but they have been here for a few generations now ,so are not really looked upon as immigrants. As far as Germany ,once again there is lot's of Turkish but have been there for a while . France and Algeria ,Yes . I would say the map is correct for the countries I know about . One recent one is Ireland and Polish ...maybe in the last 5 -8 yrs .

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 11 Mar.

atasoy why you think the map is incorrect? 

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When I was a youth politic

Hello, Everybody.
Yes I was a youth politic in 2010
(I started from 2008, but more officially from 2010)
We had a free access to " Rigas Dome" (Riga City Council)
I was a youth deputed in "Environment committee".
Our politic was made "copy paste" of Rigas Dome (Riga City Council) structure.
The Presidium of the Riga City Council with the Chairman and the representatives from the political parties.
We had all the same committees and meetings, we had elections…
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verindur avatar
verindur 22 Sep.

So how you define politics and the political environment for people in general.

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 22 Sep.

great! really good idea to make youth think about their country, about their future!

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 23 Sep.

verindur  I can say that its two different "worlds" politic world and world of people in the country.
Politic has their own "world", environment, sometimes they hear people needs, and go further.
In this way, I thing it is the best, when youth can try to feel what it is to be a politic, and possibilities to change situation. Because when you're young, you can feel more and youre more honest,open and want to help, youre enthusiastic and altruistic!! That the thing! Because when older some people become, the more hard-hearted they become to other pain and social problems. 

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