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Sensation … The Sensation Legacy All GREAT things have to come to end EVER CHANGING BUT NEVER ENDING except the memories

The Sensation Legacy All GREAT things have to come to end EVER CHANGING BUT NEVER ENDING except the memories .. "" The Oak of Love"" Come Back tomorrow for 2008.. The Photo Increible Animal was inserted in error. I will post the video later. It had nothing to do with You will Enjoy .. Competing with Miss Dukascopy is a Challenge
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Nature Walks

Over the past year or so, I've discovered my love for hiking and nature walks. I live in Vancouver, one of the best cities for outdoor activities, with many mountain and forest trails, parks and green spaces. Unfortunately, for the longest time, I seldom went for walks or hikes, which is a shame, because there are beautiful wooded trails literally right outside my backdoor! Now, I try to go on at least one walk or hike every few weeks.
Another thing I've discovered in the past year or so is phot…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Jun

Yes, Vancouver (and most parts of Canada) still has vast areas where we can be with nature.

Colton94 avatar
Colton94 29 Jun

Yes, it's a great place to live if you are outdoorsy or athletic. 

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Duksacopy 10 years, Geneva 2014, December 19

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London at Night

Hello everyone!
How is your NY Resolution's post going? I am preparing mine, only 1 week left!
But before that I want to share some more beautiful photos that made Andy Chang, I will call this - London at Night.
Enjoy!! (See more photos inside (7 in total)!!)
I'm sure you will recognize the crown from award ceremony and my favorite earrings from Elke Berr!
Which one out of these 7 is your favorite and why?
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Daytrader21 avatar

Hard to decide, but I'll go with number 4 because 2 are always better than just one:)).

baigozina_svetlana avatar

1st - because I see nive face in the mirror...and 3nd - with emotions...

Atashi_Tada avatar

thanks Daytrader, that's one of my favorites too :)
Svetlana - thanks!!

jezz avatar
jezz 16 Ene

number 2... maybe 2 are better than one for guys, but it's radiating beauty and smile for us with XX chromosomes

Atashi_Tada avatar

good point Jezz!, thanks :) Number 2 was photograph's favorite!

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Perfect Timing!

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Some Cool Photos!

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5 perfectly timed photos

By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when two of the following three conditions are met:
1. Perfect Place
2. Perfect Time
3. Perfect Angle
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Message to Miss Dukascopy supervisors

Dear Miss Dukascopy team,I have a question for you, that my sweet lips are whispering to you, please read them:Where are my points for the last task? )) I'm sure it would be good to know when you usually add them to not worry that something can be forgotten, because due to so many tasks I'm a bit lost in points calculation as well.Thank you, sweeties, and good night!
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The most exciting photos of ghosts!

Do you believe in ghosts? Well, after these shots you have to believe in them.A few shots, which were not explained.When I wrote this post, I was scared! I'm afraid of ghosts, but I can not resist the curiosity to look at these pictures!"This photo was taken at my aunt's wedding day. Year was 1942 and the photographer shot the newlyweds a simple box-type camera. What could it be? Illusion (pareydoliya)? Elaborate hoax? Or really, a real ghost? ""This photo was taken a few weeks ago, when my frie…
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Funny photos

Everybody has a friend who likes to destroy photos or just accidently makes a funny face,so I am that person. Every time I make something funny or it happens my friends post it in FB you are going to see In first one I am not drunk,the flash was too slow for me In second, I was trying new glasses but my mustache was in my mouth
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sircris avatar
sircris 26 Ago

very funny photos! +1

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