

Monica and David story

I want to share with you this video, and also my thoughts.
Right after webinar "Why its important to HELP others".
4 years ago I was taking part in very interesting and stereotype braking project.
This project was about people with disabilities, the group were mixed 50-50 (youth workers and people with disabilities)
After I come back home to Latvia,Riga. I made a film about situation in Latvia (made research and so on,I shared this film bofore,
you can watc it here
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verindur avatar
verindur 18 10月


JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 20 10月

Хорошая статья и видео, этим людям действительно нужно внимание и понимание!

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 24 10月

good point


My friend commited a suicide, how to deal with it?

Hello, Everybody!
Today I got a shocking news, that my friend commited a suicide!
And I cannot believe it, because it was a kindest, open, honest and positive person I knew!
So it seems he looks positive, hiding all this things inside, which makes him do such a ,mistake.
I still can't believe, Why some people hiding worries, problems or pain behind their Smiles
I know, that in social its not "polite" to share your worries and so. But hiding it and don't share it with friends. Why?
The saddes…
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 5 9月

Right now I just knew, that Im more intent to my surroundings, and people around.

Stix avatar
Stix 5 9月

Thank you ! :) :)

bharatholsa avatar

Very nice of you Alexana5 to share this valuable life experience. My condolences for your loss.

JungaBunga avatar

so sad

Tinktank avatar
Tinktank 7 9月

I'm sorry for your loss


About 100 Flowers Just For Smile :)

Hello Everybody!
How many times you met people who can do "crazy" great good things, without asking you something back?
Sometimes we wondering Why they do so?
Or the same with charity things, many times I herd one question - "Why you do so? Nobody pay you for that?"
And we sometimes don't understand motivation, motivation of Just make a good things, without asking something back!
I want to share with you one story, happened with me and my friend Katrina one month ago.
We walked on the street …
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Stix avatar
Stix 24 8月

I am sure you will remember that forever... :)
