rh6899's Blog


Will NZDJPY hit 70.85?

to reach that point NZDJPY must down fast plus USDJPY also down or NZDUSD crash and USDJPY sideway at current level or NZDUSD sideway at current level and USDJPY crash more OR that number will never be hit
it seems like NZDUSD BULL is just a bias 2 most liquid currency USD and JPY vs NZD (more likely NZDUSD crash)
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rh6899 avatar
rh6899 24 June

Need BREXIT to hit it

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What if

which one going to hit or have posibility not hit the blue line ( lowest number on weekly 23 August 2015)
USDJPY? NZDJPY? or NZDUSD?http://prntscr.com/9okpgf
USDJPY (red line)
NZDJPY (orangeline)
JPYXXX (white line)
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