AdamFx42's Blog


Looking to trade again this week

I am looking forward to trading again this week

After losing everything the past couple of contests I am trading a different way now
I have one long position NzdUsd, that I will treat with care
I plan to guard my margin carefully and not lose it all again this month
Then I shall see how far I can get
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Managed to keep one long position open

I managed to keep my NzdUsd long position open yesterday

I had to close my Aud longs due to the weekend leverage requirements
otherwise the margin cut would have closed all my positions
I was down to 60K yesterday and a Nzd pair was the only choice I had,
because the Nzd pairs require the least margin/leverage
NzdUsd seemed to put in a low around 0.6720 and bounce from there
I am hoping for continuation up
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Closing up for the weekend with a loss

I am down to around 65K today, and looking to close before the weekend

I have three Aud and Nzd long positions opened at the moment
I am looking to close my Aud positions and hopefully leave my NzdUsd long open
It will depend how much leverage I am using on the position before weekend close
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Trying my hand again at NZD and AUD long

This month I will be trying to long Nzd and Aud again

I think Nzd and Aud still may move up soon, could be this month
The pairs NzdUsd and AudUsd look supported below
I will be going long AudUsd and NzdUsd and other crosses this month
Trying to build a healthy profit - see how far I get
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Switched to all NZD longs

I have switched my positions to all Nzd crosses, all long

I was long Aud and Nzd crosses yesterday
My Aud positions were not doing that well and I decided to close them
Nzd seems pretty strong though, so I kept my Nzd longs
In have a few Nzd crosses in the green now,
and have added a GbpNzd short which is doing alright too
I also have a sell limit EurNzd waiting
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Doing alright after early drawdown in the contest

I started this month's contest with quite a drawdown yesterday

I thought that I was going to be stopped out yesterday during trading
after I went long Nzd and Aud crosses and suffered a drawdown to around 50K
I wanted to buy Aud and Nzd from lows but they went lower than I thought
Now, we are going back up again and it looks alright
I will be adding and keeping Aud and Nzd longs for a while now
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Trying NZD and AUD longs again this month

I am trying to get Nzd and Aud longs to work again this month

I am going long AudUsd and NzdUsd from lows this month
I will try to add Aud and Nzd long crosses
I have seen a resistance area for GbpNzd
I may short this pair later on the contest too
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Still long AUD and NZD, now short GBP too

I am still buying AudUsd and NzdUsd, and Aud and Nzd crosses

I also am short GbpNzd now, as it popped back above 1.9 today
It was looking weak yesterday, and I don't expect it to survive above 1.9 level
I have bought dips in Aud and Nzd crosses, I expect moves higher and breaking of
previous highs in these pairs after the strong moves up yesterday
This should continue
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Into the weekend with a profit

I managed to head into the weekend with a slight profit today
I am short AudNzd - this trade is still open for about 3Milj.
I plan to go long Nzd next week again after a pullback
I shall be looking for opportunities in crosses like GbpNzd short, NzdUsd long,
NzdCad long and NzdChf long
Have a good weekend all
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Back above 100K in contest again

After almost giving up this month I am back above 100K total
I had a big drawdown in the beginning of the contest,
and I was a bit fed-up
I had predicted long Nzd positions for this month, but got stopped out
For a few days I did nothing - I had 50K and was not going to trade anymore
Then I decided to go long NzdUsd just below 0.71
and yesterday I added NzdChf long, and AudNzd short
I am back above 100K again now, and will close my positions
only leaving my AudNzd short in across the weekend
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