

Opening long NZD and AUD positions again from lows

I am starting to open long positions Aud and Nzd again

Buying Nzd and Aud positions from lows has been the tactic this month
I am stuck with a few Usd shorts for now,
but I don't trust them anymore now that they are not moving down fast enough
I have opened a NzdUsd long from support/deep retracement last week
and will be looking to go long more Aud and Nzd crosses
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Closing long positions today NZD and AUD

I have closed my long positions Aud and Nzd today

I was up to 230K today and decided to close my positions for now
I am not sure if Nzd and Aud crosses are still moving up
I had a GbpNzd short that lost me some pips,
and I am looking to switch to another opportunity now
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Happy NewYear for all!

Happy NewYear to all traders first!
Lots of luck to everyone in 2018 - should be an interesting year
Lots of movement in the markets at the end of 2017, and some exciting prospects ahead
Brexit is still in the picture - waiting to come to a close, how will it influence Gbp
Nzd and Aud are stronger, good economic figures, buyers moving towards these commodity currencies
Market is open now - and i am going to take a look
Gl, all
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Got my positions in

I have set my positions for the coming week in the contest
My AudNzd short is doing better today - I am up to 130K in the contest
I have opened a GbpNzd short,
and ~I have NzdUsd, NzdCad longs waiting
I will be looking for Nzd to do good this week,
and Gbp to be under pressure from renewed brexit fears/uncertainty
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Maybe some more GBP weakness tomorrow

I am looking for opportunities for coming week
I like a GbpNzd short for various reasons:
Fundamentally Nzd is strong at the moment, forming a new government and doing alright
economically and internally
Great Britain is under pressure again concerning the brexit,
time is ticking for a deal
Technically Nzd has put in a daily low above 0.7,
and GbpUsd seems unable to break clean above 1.33
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NZD CPI release last night

Last night was the CPI release in New Zealand
I decided to trade this release as figures were expected to be good
and NzdUsd had dipped back to 0.7 hours before the release
It seemed like a good opportunity to make some pips
The release was better than expected
and I was short GbpNzd, EurNzd, and long NzdUsd, NzdChf and NzdCad before-hand
I quickly closed my psitions on the initial move and ade about 70K
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NZD looking stronger

Nzd is looking stronger today
I had a GbpNzd short that was stopped out yesterday
after Nzd was looking weaker and Gbp would not decline
My EurNzd short was still open but not doing well
Today is a turnaround in Nzd, as it is looking to recover
NzdUsd is about to break above 0.7 and I have regained some with my EurNzd short
I will open a GbpNzd today and see how it goes tomorrow
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Planning EUR longs

I am planning my strategy for market open today
Eur longs look good to me
EurUsd has retraced back towards support level above 1.05 area
I will be looking for a rise there
I may go long Eur cross too, but I am still thinking which pair to trade
Nzd seems weak, and Aud seems too high - so EurNzd or EurAud is a possibility
Also EurJpy could be interesting, if UsdJpy starts to rise again
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AUD and NZD looking bullish

Australian dollar and Nzd dollar looking strong today
I have been looking at the chartsof nzd and Aud
The currencies seem to be stronger, and bullish
My NzdChf position is moving up now, too - I am up to 40K again
Experience learns that especially Nzd will not stop if it is really on the move
I therefore expect more, and stronger moves up
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The suffering continues - big time now

The last few days have been killing me
I have been staring at the screen hours on end - in disbelief
My back hurts, I have a hangover from drinking too much - I am a wreck
These are not my favorite trading days - something to change in the future, I guess
I can not believe the price action in Nzd - it is up and then more up
Do these people not know that a rate cut is coming?
Anyway, the laugh is on me - I thought that I was doing great this month,
but this goes to show that you never know
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