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Filming Day

Hello, Everybody!!
Today was really long and interesting day, I took part in filming new mystical film called "Quest"
We played all day, I enjoyed a filming group and film director's assistant. (I filmed some scenes, I will put them here later ,after I'll get permission to do that. )
They will film it until the August.
Im waiting for the next time when they will call me to participate again)
I will also post tieser for this film, so film is promised to be interesting
I will post some pho…
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 22 May

Спасибо! да съемки дляться очень долго,но эта команда работала нон-стопом :) а мы там как актрисы 2-го плана.

kolokol avatar
kolokol 22 May

Здорово! Рада за ваши небольшие успехи!

kolokol avatar
kolokol 22 May

Возможно это начало пути...)

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 19 Aug.

filming is amazing

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Sunday Splash!

Yes, hello!
How are you there?
Soon I will come back with too much things I want to share with you! Promise!
Start from Art Therapy (which I presenting on Thursdays at 15.00)
to some great news )
Okey, a few words, what happening
That was my Sunday - it starts with Art Therapy workshop which I presented for a group. Yes, It was live Art Therapy workshop for a group of people.
It was very nice, Im glad people likes it, some people lived video feedback for me, and asking for next lessons. Witc…
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JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 19 Aug.

when this video going to be ready - online?

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I got trauma after wearing a High Heels:(

Hi! Everybody!
Today is the day two.. Im wearing "positive disco shoes" this is only one which doesn't hurt my feet.
I got trauma after wearing a High Heels. So girls be careful! Really.
I never got it before, but this time i will choose any new High Heel shoes more attentively.
How it happend?
This Saturday I decide to wear my High Heel shoes, they looks nice and has a grey color, those shoes I wear really rarely ;/
So it was the reason #1 why I got hurt.
Reason # 2 is that these shoes looks …
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Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar

какая полезная статья) побольше таких)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 28 Apr.

Anna_Konoplyastaya спасибо,как говориться на своем опыте %)

Sergej1 avatar
Sergej1 29 Apr.

hope you'll doing better

aldem avatar
aldem 29 Apr.


JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 18 Sep.

high heels is evil but beautiful

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YES! Today Im gonna be ON AIR on the radio station at 3:30 p.m untill 4:15 p.m giving interview on Latvijas Radio 4
i will talk about events im organising, especially about this Sunday. im organising a Free Market again,
it become popular and people waiting for it, and I want to bring more elder people there,thats why - Radio
Because first of all in formation spread around in internet - facebook, friends to friends.
And i want elder people to come here and take things they like),for example if…
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nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 24 Apr.

Послушала интервью. Наконец нашлось подходящее место поделиться своим всем-чем) Алексана, просто умничка!

Alisabremen avatar

А это интервью в прямом эфире тоже будет в записи?Интересно было бы послушать. Молодец!

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 18 Sep.

как они без тебя теперь? кто организовывать будет?

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Girl who walking on broken glass and brakes the arrows

Hi! I think I should carry on with stories about my adventures in Spain
I started to tell it before - post is here
So,I was working on training course called "New Life", this training course was organised by famous infobusinessman Alex Ayvengo,
he is the one of the successful followers of Richard Branson.
This Business Training course was separated in many parts leaded by different trainers.
One of the part was called "Financial Superstitious" leaded by Maxim Temcenko.

He is live couch for …
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aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

youre so brave! I wish to try it too

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

can you tell again name of this trainer? are they planing to organise such trainings again?

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 Apr.

so brave! great!

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 Apr.

keep it up!

Alisabremen avatar

next time - eating knifes ;)

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Have you ever been on Punks Wedding?

Yes It happens, and Im lucky to catch EVERYTHING!
So yeap, I have been invited to Punks Wedding))
I was asked to be a photograph there. So I do my best)) as those guys who had a wedding party)
What we did? First there was preparation girl, dress, then serious part with document, and then relax part near to the river, drinking, and feeding swans.
I cannot tell that there was something crazy. No ) even more calm than in "ordinary" weddings with lots of relatives and fighting.
This wedding was…
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aldem avatar
aldem 14 Apr.

Alexana5 , уверен, для тебя вообще обыденные образы: ночь, утёс, симфонический метал, факелы, босые молодожёны, гости, мёд, вертолёт под вопросом. До распорядка дня мои мечты не добрались, лишь до самой церемонии в её общих малоконкретных чертах. Ещё не по душе, что молодожёнам диктуют, что говорить, думаю, надо без этого обходиться.

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

:DD Lol

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 Apr.


Alisabremen avatar

punx not dead!

Sergej1 avatar
Sergej1 29 Apr.

haha great

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Creative Flower Shop :)

It remind me something from Re-Art, I wrote about it before you can see it here
This creative flower shop is in Sevilla, I spend some unforgettable time in this town after Jakaranda Festival.
I stayed with very kind family in Yoga Center. This is crazy and incredible story, I'll tell about it later.
Right now, I just want to share with you this video, i know what you think?
How many creative and such interesting places you know.
For me it was something new, I was surprised and this place ma…
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Janake avatar
Janake 9 Apr.


aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.


aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

Remind me the days I travel there too!

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 Apr.

nice place)

Alisabremen avatar


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Alexana steers the yacht :D

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JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 1 Apr.


Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 3 Apr.

Нет, такого опыта не было.  А где это ты?

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 4 Apr.

Lebedj это в Испании, доверили ) штурвал.  не на долго конечно)

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

Cool, it was your first time?

Alisabremen avatar

go girl!

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I feel like I'm Walking on Broken Glass

"I'm living in an empty room
With all the windows smashed
And I've got so little left to lose
That it feels just like I'm walking on broken glass" Annie Lennox

My experience was more positive It happened when I was filming Business training course "Financial Superstitious" , and one of the task was (after theory) to deal with fears. That was amazing, feeling when you crashing the bottles. then standing in front of them....then walk. Feeling every piece of broken glass. Have you ever ha
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 29 Mar.

Olga18375 нет)) к счастью, хотя я слышала это тоже возможно.  А мы ломали стрелы горлом. вот это было не приятно.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 29 Mar.

seediee yeah! it works) did you tried some other extreme or unusual things?

Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 3 Apr.

Был подобный опыт, тоже по углям прошла, но просто физической боли не особо боюсь.  Помню как по острым камням шла в путешествии довольно долгое время (это было очень интересно, закаляла и силу воли и тело). Какие у тебя были впечатления после такого эксперимента ?  :).

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 3 Apr.

Lebedj если чесно мне кажеться по острым камням наже хуже. ) мне как-то сами ощущения как ни странно не запомнились,но зато страх перед первым шагом был. там больше баллансировать надо было,чтобы не оступиться.

Alisabremen avatar

shes walking on glass..oh

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Filming in my life

Im not telling about film directing here (this is also what Im doing in my life),
here Im going to tell about my experience in acting.
For many years my wish was to be an actress, later I knew what it is like, and its is not so shiny and easy as it looks like in dreams. This is also a work, and you need to give yourself to this. Filming scenes took many many hours, from the early morning until the late night. And not always "summer" filmed in a summer time .
I remember we filmed summer night,…
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 18 Mar.

Mariia :) thank you Maria for this compliment! Yes Im sure we'll find so much in common. I seen youre posts about working on Tv! Wow

Mariia avatar
Mariia 18 Mar.

When I only started work on TV- it was for me really WOW. I couldn't believe in it)))But now is only job. and I am like other wants to go home in the evening))))But I like it.I am sure that you enjoy your work?

aldem avatar
aldem 18 Mar.

i just wanted to be an actor in last years of school) but after changed my mind. now I know what to do, if that)

Konstantin5 avatar

wow youre an actress

Convallium avatar

amazing girl! you are very talanted!

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