Блог Alexana5


How to become a Princess?

Tonight I watched a film "The Princess Diaries" and "The Princess Diaries2" with pretty actress Anne Hathaway.
i know that this film for teenagers or for dreamer girls as me )
But I like this film, and I know that most of girls wanted to become a princesses one day.
We like beautiful dresses, dances, diamonds )) this is a girlish thing.
To become "Miss Dukascopy" its the same story as to become a Princess, am I wrong?
I like to watch movies, where shown th
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 7 Март

She is wonderful actress! AndI like this films as much as teenagers)))))so you are not lonely in it Alexana)))

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 7 Март

:D Im glad Im not alone with it! :))

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Too much Heroes for this year?

Many days ago I watched "I, Frankenstein" want to share my thoughts with you
Well what can I say ? The film has his own style, I liked the picture, graphics its impressive,of course it is not " Avatar " by Kemirun, but its looks great . Soundtrack perfectly matched to the right place at the right time , but nothing extraordinary ..as usual Fighting between Good and Evil, and Frankenstein the only one who is in the middle choosing his side where we want to be and who he is, his purpose. What the …
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JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 14 Март

I don'tlike movies about heroes

Mariia avatar
Mariia 14 Март

O, I remembered the Iron man. Good film for boys and girls

Konstantin5 avatar
Konstantin5 28 Март

I like Robocop

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