To all the Wonderfull mothers in the world. Enjoy mothers day with your friends and family. Let me know how you celebrate it. Add @nuonrg and @tradereact for more updates.
Community Blog

Top 10 Things Moms Do Not Want To Hear
To all mothers of the Dukascopy community, I’m sure there are some things you don’t want to hear. Although, I’m not a mother myself, I came across a cute article about top 10 things mom dread hearing:
10. "I wet the bed." That's what kid says. What mom actually hear is, "Mommy, I made you another couple loads of laundry. Also now can I sleep in your bed and whack you with my incredibly bony knees and elbows for the next six hours?"
9. "I forgot, I have to make a diorama and it's tomorr…