minamina's Blog
18th dey
I did exercises 15 min and run about 30 min.
17th day
I did exercises 30 min and I walked around 4 km (55 min.)
16th day
I walked around 5 km ( 65 min.)I did not eat any bread or meat( only fish)
15th day
I did morning exercises,walked 6 km and today I didnt eat any bread of meat
14th day
I walked around 7 km ( 90 min.).Drink green tea.
I have 105 kilos. 3 LEES exercises 10 min and run 15 min.
12th day
I did exercises 15 min and I walked around 5 km ( 70 min.).Drink back tea.
11th day
I walked around 8 km ( 95 min.) Breakfast 1 bananas with yogurt.
10th day
I did exercises 10 min and I walked around 4 km ( 50 min.) Breakfast 2 bananas with yogurt.
9th day
I did exercises in the evening 15 min.