Aleksandra1995's Blog

My weeks
I will write a lot of stuff in these days because I feel in myself that I can Write a book I already wrote a story about dog, very nice, I wanted to throw it but my boyfriend said why? Maybe you will be very famous writer and this will be your first book so I decide okay let it be. Today I will try to write a story about myself and I think it will be pretty interesting because my life is so full different stories, very real. So one day I will write here a lot of papers from my new book. Today I …

Today is my 8 week and 3 days
today I am already like 8 weeks pregnant and I am proud of myself, soon my baby will come to this world and I will be the happiest mother on the earth. I am happy that his father is always beside me and even if he is not helping me I am not so angry because I understand that he is working and earning money for our small family. I am very happy young mother, I wish everyone could have small miracle like me. Soon we will bring small dog for our family, because he is so cute and I adore dogs very m…

What's in the Bag?
In my bag always a lot of stuff. I have there my purchase, passport, different small things like ropes, headphones, charge, iqos, checks, mascara, lipstick, highlighter, pen,eyeshadow and more other stuff. Sometimes I Take small bag but there are not enough space for my things. So I like wearing pretty big bags to put all my stuff inside. I enjoy it, because when I need to buy something I can easily to put it there, sometimes I take my laptop and it's pretty much weight for me, but I love it. An…

Swimming pool
Бассейн Мисто в Харькове придется по душе и спортсменам для активных водных тренировок, и простым любителям аквафитнеса.Аквазона SPA&Fitness центра Мисто включает в себя крытый бассейн длиной 25 м на 5 дорожек с видом на парковую зону; джакузи 10 м на 6 мест; открытый детский бассейн и взрослый бассейн на 40 метров.Для соблюдения санитарных норм бассейны аквазоны наполняют артезианской водой, которая регулярно очищается кварцевыми фильтрами.Посетители выбирают тот вид акватренировки, который им …

Peace, Love and Bikinis
Better to ask guy, especially that one who you don't know and ask his advice, you should choose correct color, because not all clours can suits you, but if you decided to go to choose it alone, you should pay attention at your size and forms, which swim suit wull fit you best, piece swimsuit or separate?!
But better to ask man's opinion, it should not be tight or wide.
But better to ask man's opinion, it should not be tight or wide.

My new job
Today I have started to work in hotel restaurant, I like this place so much. Tomorrow I will have exam, I should know all menu and dishes and bla bla bla, so I think I will cope with it. I have a great mood, I like so much stuff, they are friendly and cool, always helping me in everything )
I will work for 3 days then I will have 3 days off. It's really nice schedule. From 11 am up to 11 pm. I like my job. I am here barmaid and waitress, but not very good fact that we will work up to 11 pm from …
I will work for 3 days then I will have 3 days off. It's really nice schedule. From 11 am up to 11 pm. I like my job. I am here barmaid and waitress, but not very good fact that we will work up to 11 pm from …

My last post
Today I think will be my last post for all the time. I don't like to spend time anymore here because everything here is not true, you are always getting 30 points for tasks without no reason why you get them, every day your popularity is less and less because of what because it's not truly application and whree everything already decided by someone. So what's up? Why should i loose my time here? For what? For nothing? I am gonna delete this application and get rid of this site. I found everythin…

Having fun every day is so tired thing. Every day 2 weeks I went out, had a lot of fun and even Work didn't stop me. I had so much sex with different black guys lol. And now I don't know who to choose I have 3 or 4 guys who I like. They are all nice, one better other. But the problem that I can't today be with them all, I need to choose one. I live now with a guy whose name is Clinton he is very nice guy. He treats me so good and I like him so much so he is my bf. The other one is Emmanuel he is…