Sashaslim's Blog


My perfect gift

The most valuable gift made to me from my mom.....❤️ I was 17 wher she fell ill with a terrible illness.....!!!!! So this soft toy, donated by her so dear to me......❤️ No diamonds or gadgets can compare to such an expensive memory of her in my heart.... oh yeah I did not say it's a soft toy......!!!!!!
love your loved ones....!!!!!????????❤️
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Eosphoros avatar

It's a personal memory, it's much more valuable

billreid avatar
billreid 17 Jan.

I'm sorry you lost your mom.  Being a parent is a virtue.
When we have a loss, we can be sad and depressed or joyful looking toward a new beginning.  When we pass over, we have a new beginning.  I remember the concept of gaining the world but losing the soul.  I prefer to think of this as mind energy.  It is like mercury intoxication: seafood tastes great but if we eat too much seafood we go insane.
If our actions can kill our soul, can our actions kill our mind? 
Our body can pass away but our soul and mind will go on and on.

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Automatically translated via Google Translate ®Hey there!!! My name is Alessandra!! I live in Belarus for 23 years!!!!
Now I will tell you a bout myself!!
1.- First alcoholic drink was in 18 years...???????
2.- I do not smoke...????????
3.- I'm a medic...?????????
4.- I'm fond of make-up...??????????
5.- My height 172, weight 48...??????????
6.- 2 times was in a coma...???????????
7.- All my childhood spent in Italy...??????????
8.- Participated in a 9-hour hike in the mountains...????????
9.- T…
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Sashaslim avatar
Sashaslim 11 Jan.

6 угадал, а 10 правда)

Knaz_RA avatar
Knaz_RA 11 Jan.

Даже на школьной?)

Knaz_RA avatar
Knaz_RA 11 Jan.

Тогда ты не куришь(2). Но все же считаю что ты была хоть на одной из школьных дискотек начиная с 5-ого класса ;)

Sashaslim avatar
Sashaslim 12 Jan.

Неа, меня не пускали)

Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 20 Jan.

Where did you live in Italy in childhood?

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Hey there!!! My name is Alessandra!! I live in Belarus for 23 years!!!!
Now I will tell you a bout myself!!
1.- First alcoholic drink was in 18 years...???????
2.- I do not smoke...????????
3.- I'm a medic...?????????
4.- I'm fond of make-up...??????????
5.- My height 172, weight 48...??????????
6.- 2 times was in a coma...???????????
7.- All my childhood spent in Italy...??????????
8.- Participated in a 9-hour hike in the mountains...????????
9.- Three times broke her leg...??????????
10.- Neve…
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