Somewhere in life, we sometimes fail and we sometimes get hurt but there’s always someone behind who would aspire us to out shine ourselves in doing enormous things. They are the reason why we stand up again and learn to mend our wounds. They are our inspiration in life, our motivator and our strength to reach success.It has always been a part of our life’s voyage to encounter different challenges in life. In every achievement, frustrations and happiness in my life, my parents are always there a…
dianazhak's Blog

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
I guess you could say that teenage girls are a pimple on the face of civilization, and I guess in a way we are. But, do you ever wonder why we do the things we do? Most of the time, it's not to be popular, or to get the guy that we want, or be successful. It's to be different. To be ourselves. We have a way of knowing exactly what someone thinks of us when they look at us, and we use that to our advantage. We know what it takes to be noticed, and that is fun. Everybody notices a pretty smile, or…