JanaOgladina's Blog


отрывок из моей книги

...Бывают дни, когда ты вынужден жить.
Просыпаться, переставлять ноги, дышать. Разговаривать, кивать, иногда даже улыбаясь. Все это - ловко волоча за собой огромную черную дыру.
Размером с пушечное ядро.
У этой дыры - наверняка - есть имя, оно сейчас пришло тебе в голову.
И ты ползешь с этой дырой, подтаскивая правую ногу, и пытаешься держать обеими руками ср*ные внутренности, которые так и норовят из тебя выпасть. Но ты их попрежнему крепко держишь, хотя даже тебе самому уже неясно - зачем?
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Motivation Beast

It's been almost 3 years that I'm working in modelling. Each day is a challenge in my working world and never two days are exactly alike.
During those days you have to pass many challenges, castings, where you're not always satisfied with your results. You can't simply win every day of your life. But I'm the one who always knows - it's never time to give up.
My dad always says that if you find a job you LOVE then you don't really feel tired. The important thing is to find your passion. Find what…
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Makeup blossom

Hey everyone ! And first of all I'd like to wish happy international Women's Day to all amazing ladies! A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiles during distress and grows stronger with hope. We're one of them.
One of our biggest super-powers have always been a power of beauty. A power of make-up, a power of being pretty, especially in spring. It's the best time for experiments and changing your appearance.
As for me, I really like experiments. On the other side, due to being model…
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Let’s get started!

Though it's not always easy to introduce yourself to someone you don't really now and might never meet, I'll try ???? Starting from the very beginning, my name is Jana and I'm a world-traveler, risk-taker, full moon lover, working as a professional international model (that definitely allows me to travel). Philippines-admirer (I was living there for 1 year and I'd love to come back one day).Aries in horoscope and in life ???????? active, energetic, intuitive - pure magic all in all ✨ To all the …
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