An3sta's Blog


Today will be my perfect day

8:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses.
8:30 Weigh 3 kilos less than yesterday. Good!
8:45 Breakfast in bed, fresh squeezed orange juice and croissants.
9:15 Soothing hot bath with fragrant lilac bath oil.

Dance to my favourite music as exercise.
Go shopping in Harrods.
Have sushi lunch with a glass of prosecco in Harrods.
Meet a good friend of mine and go to the winter wonderland with her.
Grab a vegan dinner in China town.
Go to a Shakira concert. This is definite…
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Autumn outfits

Autum outside and it's freezing! But we can still look glamorous!
Jumpers are very important for autumn. I go with my favourite jumper which is not too cozy but is casual. It can look chic if combined with a dress underneath. I chose dress Vs trousers because.... I adore dresses. Reason is that simple. Coat wise I tend to go for blacks, reds and browns during this season because let's face it, it's a muddy season.
Scarf with hat and scarf I can g…
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911 hot

So it's pretty cool this app. If I find it difficult to find an answer from the Internet then 911 is the perfect solution. It's a great platform for idea exchange.
I haven't used it long enough to express accurate suggestions. However I can say it fulfils my satisfaction. I could even expand and say that it's a very polite app in comparison to others.
I am yet to discover more about the application's privacy but the 'lovely' politeness gives a great hope that it's a ten out of ten in that depart…
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Ariana Grande concert

I was at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester on 22nd May. I was in the foyer and heard the loud bang and wondered what it was. Then suddently a crowd of people spread and started running and screaming. Shortly smoke followed. That's when it became really scary. My mind panicked and I thought a guy will come after the crowd of people with a large gun. Nevertheless I stayed calm and waited for the people to pass and only started heading for the exit when there were not many people left. I'm th…
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