anyautumn's Blog



That moment when you are a star and can no longer hide it... @missdukascopy
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Once upon a Halloween Night

It all started once upon a Halloween Night, under the dark sky night, there was a pretty girl who was answering a question in Dukascopy 911...
Okay, this is already a very scary story! Why: a) I don't know what Dukascopy 911 is; b) I do know that I haven't answered any questions there, because, well, a). While this realization was dawning upon me, I felt my heart skip a beat and the alarms in my brain go off! What if answering (in my case - not answering) all those mysterious questions affects t…
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A bit of soap opera

Netflix is my middle name! At least that's what it should have been, if I had one))) No, seriously! Visual storytelling is my profession, so when I spend a lot (A LOT!) of my time watching cinema&television productions, I am actually working, learning and being ultimately useful... or so I tell myself. I have to stay au courant of the entertainment industry because it's my livelihood. Plus, I simply love it! All right, my top TV series picks are below:
1. Gossip Girl. First of all, New York City…
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Go away, autumn depression!

You do realize that my profile name here is anyautumn... that's like anya + autumn... without the double 'a' in the middle... okay, you obviously get it, I tend to overexplain things... so... no, I don't like autumn - I adore it! September - yes! October - double yes! November - not so much, but still a yes! I have to confess though that it's easy to love all seasons now that I live in a place where there are just two of them - summer and... a slightly cooler summer))) Seriously, I remembered it…
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Good girl, bad girl!

I am a good girl when I wish a neighbor a nice day, I am a bad girl when I arrive late to a meeting, I am fantastic when I drive a friend to the dentist's, I am terrible when I eat ice-cream all day long, I am the very best when I donate to a charity and I am the absolute worst when I scream at somebody in traffic... None of that defines me though... I can't reduce myself to a one-word label - I am every good and every bad on the spectrum of human personality) Which me I choose to be depends on …
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Feminine Charms

Ooh la la, seduction secrets! Yes, please...
...a long alluring stare to command his attention... a subtle touch, entirely 'unintentional', to peak his interest... a drop of perfume to awaken his senses... a few stealthy glances to test his patience... a charming nonsense to win his heart... not necessarily these steps and not necessarily in this order... you get the idea though - the ingredients may vary, but every woman knows how to cook her love potion. And while he thinks that he is hunting …
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Red is a state of mind

Zero. That's the total number of red items in my possession.
I never thought about it, yet now that this fact has come to the foreground of my attention, I can't help but wonder - why is it the case?)
I mean, I love red color! Obviously not enough though for it to be represented in my wardrobe... Anyway, after a thorough inspection of what it is that constitutes my closet, looks like I would definitely have a lot to show in the white&black department... or all sorts of stripes... hues of blush/s…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Sep.

red is nice and attractive colour

anyautumn avatar

RahmanSL, absolutely, I love it!

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Perfect Man: where are you?

Well, I'm sure the perfect man is wondering the same thing about the perfect woman... and doesn't have a sure answer either)
Back in 1999 I knew exactly who my perfect man was and where to find him. He was Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys (did I mention it was 1999?) living in America! I remember staying up at night imagining how he would show up to my school dance, take my hand and we would ride off into the sunset on white horses... I wish it were that simple now... although I'm grateful my …
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Sep.

there are no "perfect" man or woman...only good men & women : )

anyautumn avatar

I wholeheartedly agree)

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