Yeva's Blog


Bye-bye, Mr. Gray!

Hi, friends !
One of the days when I felt especially joyful and glad was during vacation in Mexico.
My mother was trying to pass an important continuing education exam in nursing for a while and I supported her wholeheartedly in this endeavor. She passed !
Also, my best girlfriend from Hawaii finally got pregnant, after almost 10 years of trying !
So - 2 joyful wonderful news, stunning picturesque views, mouth watering delicious local food, exotic cocktails, foot massages and unforgettable atmos…
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pmalykhina avatar
pmalykhina 24 Aug.

U are very nice! ;)

ForexAlyoum avatar

very nice .... i like you

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Yellow is the new black

Hi, friends !
Yellow is such a cheerful bright color - to me it's like sunshine - a burst of fun & joy!
Of course - bikini !
Beautiful combination of yellow color with flowing hair, happy smile and wonderful mood!
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ForexAlyoum avatar

hot like a fire

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Hi, friends !
Such a wonderful task!
Coco Chanel once famously mentioned that "Every woman must be classy & fabulous"!
So wholeheartedly true!
I often fantacise what's it's like to be a face or the model of a legendary fashion brand like Dior, Chanel, Cardin, Hermes, Dolce or Versace. Wow. A girl can dream !!
As far as representing a brand - I do !
Proud to share that as a model I won the right to be featured at the famous American luxury matchmaking agency !
I feel very grateful for such achiev…
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Apk1973 avatar
Apk1973 24 Aug.


Yeva avatar
Yeva 24 Aug.

Thank you for your comment, Apk1973

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Bikini Days

LeftCenterRightHi friends !
My personal favorite is gorgeous 2 piece bikiny ! Absolutely in a bright cheerful color!
With optional accessories as stylish sunglasses !
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Whitetower73 avatar


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Summer Plans

Hi, friends !
Summer is almost over - just a few lovely days left.
Planning to finish holistic nutrition course.
Read new Tony Robbins book "Unshakable", help my pregnant girlfriend to move into her new townhouse and keep learning how to meditate !
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Whitetower73 avatar

Looking great!

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Aloha beach party!

Hi, friends !
Beach Party is always Fun -
Wet sexy hair, stylish sunglasses, beautiful bikini, feeling the sun kissing the skin all over - enjoying every second !
Its so fabulous that it feels like "I want to stop this moment and devour every second voraciously!"
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Whitetower73 avatar


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Taste of fun

Hi, friends !
Taste of Fun with girlfriends -
my co workers from the holistic health clinic that I work at - are my best girlfriends!
We enjoy all kinds of fun - from the office pizza parties - when we order variety of Dominos Pizza with extra cheese and indulge! It smells so good that people from other offices stop by ! Lol
We also enjoy dressing up and going out - to cultural events, sport events, gallery openings or sometimes to various restaurants - this picture is us in front of one of Atla…
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Summer Needs to Slow Down

Hi, friends !
Summer is truly the time of careless happiness, joy, vacations & relaxation, at least that's how I always remember my childhood summers ! Nowadays, it's more like : work, more work and even more work ! Lol
Here are 15 reasons why this summer is truly incredible and unforgettable:
1. Amazing trip to CA - Los Angeles -
I used to live there for many years and miss it greatly. LA's lifestyle is legendary and everything LA I used to immensely enjoy.
So the trip was like a dream come tru…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 22 Aug.

Sounds delicious drink...i.e. ice cream in champagne

Debian avatar
Debian 25 Aug.

No puedo estar de acuerdo con el punto 4. No creo que pueda ser una necesidad médica, ni mucho menos mejor y lo de grande, creo que es más o menos irrelevante; pero cada loco con su tema...

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Beverage is the answer

Hi, friends !My favorite drink is one of famous traditional Russian non alcoholic drinks - KVAS ! It's challenging to describe - it's delicious and healthy and has bubbles, it's been my favorite since childhood and it's perfect either by itself or mixed with something stronger ! It feels so good taking a sip or drinking half a bottle, it takes me to golden nostalgia when I used to live in Russia and Kvas was our family daily tradition, just like tea. Kvas deserves Bravo - for its tasty taste, h…
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Whitetower73 avatar

Квас -это класс! :-)

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Make your passion your profession

Hi, friends !
I've always been interested in holistic health - my relatives are doctors and medicine is not always the best & healthiest solution, especially for such health problems, like stress, headache, anxiety, can't fall asleep, etc.
So I took classes in holistic health, learned so much useful & practical info !
Now I work as a consultant in holistic health industry. There is more and more demand for holistic approach, people are becoming more aware and informed about their health options.…
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drferre avatar
drferre 22 Aug.

good information!

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