Блог Ruteale


The grand total

We already live with festive mood, because 2017 is coming soon ...Just need to remember and to be proud of the most important incidents of this year .. The first of all I am happy about myself , I improved patience skills , understood that everything what you deserved will come on time in life ...I was enough brave to check my ambitious skills in sport competition/fit model , I was not the best but I am happy with my result and finally I did beginning in new field (fitness). Also I improved my s…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Дек.

With your positive outlook on life, I am sure next year will be fantastic for you :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 30 Дек.

...and nothing new for daily support "like"

Ruteale avatar
Ruteale 30 Дек.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 30 Дек.

ohh...okkk...like next year;right? :)

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Christmas Spirit

Christmas spirit is everywhere …Christmas trees already standing almost one month in the city center, all shops are decorated, Christmas songs are playing in many public places…So we already can feel Christmas is coming! But anyway it’s nice to have some special attributes for Christmas celebration at home, to feel more Christmas spirit. So my personal choices to make this celebration more important are simple but it helps to create more warm, nice atmosphere. The first - branch of fir, it’s jus…
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To buy or not to buy…?

In these days to get new information it’s very easy, just need to click on some websites pages and its ready to be read. But not always it’s easy to keep your attention on laptop or iPad screen, sometimes it’s very difficult to concentrate. For example you are reading article and suddenly you remember that need to check email box or you just see coming message from dukascopy social community. It takes your attention too and can be problematic to come back to read the same article. The second thi…
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Fake Chic

Fake thing has a big advantage, because it’s much more cheaper than original. Firstly, these fake things can be useful if don’t have a plan to use all fake things in your outfit at the same time. If it's combinated with good style and looks good on You, why not? You can get some fake things, just in case you should pay attention for material quality, some of them look really very cheap (reason of bad material quality). Also if You buy just for casual wearing, but not special events, you can choo…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Дек.

well, just don't get caught with imitation goods :p

Ruteale avatar
Ruteale 13 Дек.

if you feel comfortably with it, you just don't care and feel free.. so people just catching your positive or nice attitude and don't think  so much about your outfit original or not if you look good with it... :)

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OMG, look at my selfie!

I like to use filters, it makes pictures more atractive, glam... The first type of my favourite filters - perpetua (instagram filter ), it makes tones of colors more light, soft...
If I want to make photos more bright or darker I use X-Pro II.
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ak10 avatar
ak10 7 Дек.

Looking great

Lowech avatar
Lowech 10 Дек.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Дек.

good tips

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Art quest

My favourite picture is located in my city Vilnius which is mysterious and famous with some miracles in past time, it's written in book The mystical fountain (fight between vision and faith or knowing and faith). Also it's glory and keeping in the centre of Vilnius in the church altar (In Vilnius from th XVII a.). In picture (the God's mother with baby in Vilnius, Lukiskes) we can see The God's mother holding baby in hands . The composition of drawing and painting type associated with Dionisijus…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Дек.

good & informative

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Be careful with mirror!

Like Marilyn Monroe was singing in her song “diamonds are a girl’s best friends…”, the same true I can tell about the mirror… The mirror it’s one of the most mysterious thing, you can spend a lot of time in front mirror and don’t feel the time limit. We can find some mysterious examples: the greek myth about Narciza story, when he saw his reflection in water and became daffodils looking at it for long time. Other interesting example : jellyfish Gorgone fossilized when she saw her reflected eyes…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 4 Дек.

I need to look in the mirror every morning to shave :p

Ruteale avatar
Ruteale 4 Дек.

Now You will be scared..sorry :))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 4 Дек.

I do not fall in love with myself...but I do like what I see :))

Ruteale avatar
Ruteale 4 Дек.

its good that you will not become a daffodil ;))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 6 Дек.

out of post & new photos for anymore "like" vote:p

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Jewellery power

Some stunning and full of creativity peaces can change your minds and give empowering you. A big variety of materials are used to make nice jewelry: all metals (gold, silver, bronze, platina, etc.), variety of stones, leather or wood make your image more elegant and attractive. Jewelry of metals, gold and platina are still one of the most popular. Platina is similar to silver and sometimes is mentioned as a "small silver". It is one of the most expensive precious metals. Platina's value is quite…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2 Дек.

yes, "pretty stones" makes nice and expensive jewelries

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PPAP [DCMP] Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Miss Dukascopy Parody

Ohh miss dukascopy contest! Ohh shopping in Geneva...!
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rupesh1984 avatar
rupesh1984 21 Нояб.

super job done :) keep it up :)

Ruteale avatar
Ruteale 21 Нояб.

Nice to know ! I will ...:) ✌️

antoine avatar
antoine 26 Нояб.

The music is horrendous but you made it funny.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2 Дек.


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Magic of perfume

Perfume's magic is important part of your image. It can make your image more impressive and leave some marks on somebody remembering you. As the famous Marilyn Monroe said -perfume it's my most favourite garment. So we should feel comfortable and believe more in ourselves when we use our favourite perfume.
Firstly we should have not just one type of perfume, our moods are changing all the time and depends on season, time or just weather. Of course sometimes we get addicted to one smell for long …
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ak10 avatar
ak10 19 Нояб.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2 Дек.

good info

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