

Feminine charms

Hello, Community!
That is my list of feminine charms:
1. Smile!
2. Be different!
3. Cook for him.
4. Have common interests.
5. Just LOVE him
If all these things don't work, that just mean it is not your man...
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Swiss avatar
Swiss 25 7月

Heyyy your video rocks!!!!!!!  But you're too generous. If he's not madly in love by end of point #1, he's not your man :)

missanzhelika avatar

pipx you're mentioning this beer thing over and over again :D I'm taking notes :D really

pipx avatar
pipx 4 8月

missanzhelika Trust me, beer solves everything :-) Too bad I can't give it to my cat, we would best buds :D

arbuz avatar
arbuz 28 8月

Why cook for him ends with "." ? )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

Yes, most men likes to have things done for him :))


Sharing my pride

Hello, Community!
Today I want to share my pride - my make-up work was printed in one famous Ukranian make-up magazine! That's amazing! I'm really proud of myself and glad so much!
I have already written about this work - it is a theatrical grease-paint, a mask of Kaschey the Deathless, famous personage of russian fairy-tales. The work took almast a week, it was rather hard and that was my first work in theatrical make-up.
My work is on the picture below, in the left upper corner.
I hope you wil…
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kostakis avatar
kostakis 24 7月

Congratulations! I was afraid of this mask.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the top right Kaschey looks kinda gay to me

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

your Kaschey is the best -- now I see what kind of men you like:))))))

Swiss avatar
Swiss 25 7月


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

...hmmm...ok, intriguing subject matter, but not for me :p


Should a woman be smart?

Hello, Community!
Today I wanna ask you - how do you think - should a woman be smart to be interesting or it is not a necessary condition?
How do you think is it a privilegy or a trouble when a woman is too smart, very well educated, reads a lot. May be she should be very wise not to show her cleverness?
And the main thing - a man never should feel himself as a fool with her. This case no man can stand it. Am I right?
What do you think about smart women - yes or no?
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korvinua avatar
korvinua 24 7月

Smart man (both sex) is very sexy. And, stronger humor she has - more attractive she became.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

yes, woman must be smart as opposite of stupid! everyone should, even men!

Swiss avatar
Swiss 25 7月

Smart? Net, of course not!!!! All we want are just playboy models with implants and not too much neurones so they cannot challenge us :)  What do you think? :)))))))))

missanzhelika avatar

Swiss how about a smart woman that is smart enough to not let you notice that and yet take wise decisions? Who cares about them disposable dolls?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

Of course, and why not?....There are a lot of women who are way smarter than myself and other men.


Штуки для волос )

Привет, девчонки Сообщества!
Это очередной пост "Между нами, девочками" )
Напоминаю в сотый раз, наверное, но вдруг кто пропустил - что по роду деятельности я визажист И вот недавно начала еще заниматься причёсками и укладками - и прозрела, сколько ж всяких девайсов для волос появилось! Пришлось купить конусные плойки разных диаметров, обычную плойку, гофре, утюжок...
А вы всем этим пользуетесь?
Я, как представитель девушки большую часть находящуюся в короткой стрижке (завернула-то), максимум …
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Dmitriy4 avatar
Dmitriy4 23 7月

и, как всегда, толпа девчонок )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

...okkk...girls talk ;))


I began to draw!

Hello, Community!
I want to share with you my new hobby - it is drawing!
I have been dreaming about that for a long time, and finally I found a time for doing that.
I will visit drawing class ones a week and on the first class we drew the sphere.
Do you like it? I think it is not bad for the first time
I hope that soon I will draw the whole pictures!
Do you have any hobbies? Or may be you dream about doing something?
Find some time for it, we live only once, so, do it
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Dmitriy4 avatar
Dmitriy4 23 7月

о, вот это отлично! Моё хобби - музыка!

dukfanbg avatar
dukfanbg 23 7月

like real
see it rolling :D

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

what`s that?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

Used to be fishing, martial art (Tae-kwon-do), running,high jumping, badminton, writing, snorkeling/diving, spear fishing, camping, hiking, mountain climbing,traveling, tennis, golfing, girl watching/chasing, gambling, clubbing, and others I have since forgotton.....I gave all that up and became a forex trader and now I am addicted to that :p...

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

....and, of course, posting here at Dukas community and chatting up the many beautiful girls here :)))


Всем русскоязычным - смеяться :)

Загадки, которые были опубликованы в Мурзилке 20 лет назад!!!!
1. Чтобы спереди погладить, нужно сзади полизать. (Почтовая марка)
2. Кругом волоса, посредине колбаса. (Кукуруза)
3. Сверху черно внутри красно, как засунешь так прекрасно. (Галоши)
4. Волос на волос, тело на тело и начинается темное дело. (Веки)
5. То холодный - то горячий, то висячий - то стоячий. (Душ)
6. Туда - сюда - обратно, тебе и мне приятно. (Качели)
7. Что ты смотришь на меня? Раздевайся я твоя! (Кровать)
8. Волосатая голо…
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kostakis avatar
kostakis 23 7月

А это действительно круто.

Dmitriy4 avatar
Dmitriy4 23 7月


speculo_ergo_sum avatar

that was meant for children -- unspoiled and naive:))))))))))))))

missanzhelika avatar

На ночь глядя лучше не читать! Я же не усну сейчас! хихихихихи

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

...hmmm...the English translation is...ehhh...weird and not sure correct :p..


Как правильно красить ресницы

Привет, девчонки Сообщества
Это очередной пост из серии "Между нами, девочками" ))
Вот несколько секретов, как правильно красить ресницы:
- тушь обязательно следует наносить зигзагообразными движениями из стороны в сторону и вытягивающим движением вверх;
- тушь наносится от корней до самых кончиков. Важно наносить тушь на корни, чтобы закрепить ресницы на месте, а нанесенная на кончики она делает ресницы длиннее;
- профессионалы наносят тушь не только изнутри, но и снаружи;
- чтобы глаза казалис…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 21 7月

Спасибо за мастер-класс!!!

Milian avatar
Milian 21 7月

хорошие советы!))

Dmitriy4 avatar
Dmitriy4 21 7月

опять эти женские штучки!

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 22 7月

Dmitriy4, ну куда ж без них )) ты против? )

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

...okkkk...more girls talk :))


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Hello, Community!
Have you read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's books?
I believe that he is one of the greatest authors of the 20th century.
He was a Russian novelist, historian, and critic of Soviet totalitarism. He helped to raise global awareness of the GULAG and the Soviet Union's forced labor camp system.
He wrote well-known books as The Gulag Archipelago, One Day in a life of Ivan Denisovich, August 1915, Cancer Ward and many others.
I'm reading the last one now and getting so much satisfaction f…
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Dmitriy4 avatar
Dmitriy4 21 7月

оооо, то один из моих любимейших писателей! Так тонко подмечать человеческие черты - дорогого стоит!

hakuoma avatar
hakuoma 22 7月

good author really

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 22 7月

Dmitriy4, оо, вот и я это заметила! Что ты читал из него?

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 22 7月

hakuoma, what have you read?



Hello, Community!
Have you heard about one of the most beautiful city of Ukraine.. and may be even Europe? Its name is Lviv and it is situated in the West of Ukraune, not fr from the board with Poland.
It is an old city, it was founded in the 12th century by the galitsky prince Daniil Romanovich. About 127 2 the city became the capital of the Galitsko-Volynsky principality, further was also the capital of the Kingdom Russia, the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeriya, the West Ukrainian National Repu…
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egypix avatar
egypix 22 7月

Its a very nice city

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 22 7月

egypix, have you been there?

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 22 7月

Dmitriy4, да! И ради выпечки ещё, мммм!

egypix avatar
egypix 22 7月

No i have never been there but sure i wish to visit it

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

Sounds like another "must visit" place. Is English commonly spoken there?



Hello, Community!
Do you like massage? If I could chose, I would do it all day long!! )))
I really feel as a human creation after each seanse of massage.
If you like it, how often do you do it? And what for? For the health, beauty, relaxation or just for pleasure?
And what is your favourite zone of body for massage? I really like massage of back and feet. And also I like Thai massage
So, is it important who does massage - a man or a woman?
And what do you think about any exotic massages - with s…
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Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 20 7月

fxsurprise8, whom do you prefer? ))

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 20 7月

fxsurprise8, and why not exotic massage? ))

Dmitriy4 avatar
Dmitriy4 21 7月

я вот как-то равнодушен вообще к массажу.. даже не знаю почему..

Lyubant avatar
Lyubant 22 7月

Dmitriy4, о божееее... как можно быть равнодушным к массажу???? )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 12月

Well, if any of Dukas young ladies wish for a male massage, I am available for absolutely free :)))
