Блог seediee


Hi people!!!

Hi people!!!
Did you miss me for one month!? hi hi hi...
I really have a good rest and enjoyment with my family, doing my work, meeting new people...
In april my son turned 9 years, and we have a great party, we have some trip in Italy and Istria, my new business is growing, I'm very satisfied, I feel very good and happy. My new friends here become my new friends on FB, so we can chat without pressure and see what is going on with our lives! This is so good!
I trade very little, maybe one hour/…
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Elani avatar
Elani 3 Май

Hey :) Nice to see you again and happy birthday with delay :)

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 3 Май

Hi hi hi))) beautiful family!! Keep it up!)

agddivisas avatar
agddivisas 3 Май


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 3 Май

;) Welcome back! Congratulations for your new business!

Convallium avatar
Convallium 3 Май

nice to hear from you)

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No More !!!

Hi people,
Today after one working week without Miss Dukascopy Contest I must admit I feel wonderful.
Like I'm on some kind of rehab!!! :P
No, seriously... as you notice I quit from participating on Miss Dukascopy. No more!
One day I just decided to quit. It's over! After almost one year of being active member of this Smart People Community I decided to move on...
This crazy race for likes, chating, earning serious money for trading... omg I really have no time for this anymore. I can't be in fr…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 9 Апр.


Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 9 Апр.

In any case, good luck with your new beginnings.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 9 Апр.

Edita i am glad you took an important decision and i respect it., if you wish we can talk on viber, i will give my phone no on sms and we can talk and gossip :PP... i don't want to lose a good friend ...as for me i will dedicate my time to trader contest and other contests may be i will write an article soon, i don't know but same as you i am tired too, my family needs me too...Good Luck my friend ...:))

seediee avatar
seediee 10 Апр.

Good Erialda! For me it's enough to play monkey... or I'm too old for some kind of stupidity anymore. Everybody are dissatisfied. They do what they wan't. Every smart woman figured out this and left this contest! Pity! Somebody really ruin this Contest.  I'm happy to found something more fair to work and I will dedicate my time to my new beginnings and to my dearest family. It's my commitment! Stay in touch dear! Good luck! :)))

jezz avatar
jezz 10 Апр.

I love the fact we have expanded over the borders of this site. That's really priceless, so forget about the trouble, look where we are as virtual friends today. We WILL meet some day like on that post I had about veterans.... Kiss and catcha later

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Welcome April

Gooooood moooorning everybody!!!
Let's start a new month full of energy.
Take a photos!!!
Particularly a SELFIE...
Your photos are more important than content blogging!!!!! :P
Enjoy your day!
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jezz avatar
jezz 1 Апр.

:the green face smiley that pukes: at least you know me :)

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Addicted to You :P

Ok, my last BLOG post for this month!!!
I'm real blogger, I write one blog in Croatia and I know how to write blog post and gain some real leads. I have certificate for social media marketer.
Content is always the king in blogging. And quality content for sure. If this is an accident with some advice or day story, not important. What is important is to find what people like and give this to them with personal touch. Everybody have their own style and I respect that. Most of girls thrilled me her…
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Март


seediee avatar
seediee 31 Март


jezz avatar
jezz 31 Март

last year? do you remember when that was? some of us have shorter buffers... oh, sorry, I thought you got used to my sharp tongue by now

seediee avatar
seediee 1 Апр.

hi hi hi! :)))

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Car accident

This morning, when me and my friend took our children in the kindergarten, we wanted to go for a coffee.
But on the way to our cafe, my friend had a car accident.
The boy was on a wrong turn, she has managed to outmaneuver a car that does not directly hit, but the damage had been done.
She is shaking for long time after accident.
We called the police, I took a picture of accident and we waited that police come. It is essential that no one was hurt.
Be careful, drive carefully, It's enough second…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 31 Март

Hard to put like under this photo( I hope everything will be ok!!!!The main is health of people! Car is only iron!

seediee avatar
seediee 31 Март

Yes Mariia, true, the car is only iron! We are all ok. I was terrified of driving behind her and seeing what happens. :(

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Март

Take care!(

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 31 Март

good that no one was hurt..be carefully next time:D

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Март

be careful on the road

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Motivational Monday Part 8

Realize that no matter how much time you spend with someone, or how much you appreciate them, sometimes it will never seem like you had enough time together. Don’t learn this lesson the hard way. Express your love.
Tell people what you need to tell them. Don’t shy away from important conversations because you feel awkward or uncomfortable. You never know when you might lose your opportunity.
So, let's write here and have great conversations instead of empty nonsense photos. At least make some ef…
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seediee avatar
seediee 31 Март

Of course, if they are serious! But we all need some personal touch and point of view. I am not some mute amoeba, I need good conversation.

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 31 Март

Sometimes it can be too late already and you will regret that you didn't said what you wanted.

sankit avatar
sankit 31 Март


ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Март

we only live once....

seediee avatar
seediee 31 Март

true! :*

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Day in the village

Today I was at my father village in Slovenia half hour from Rijeka.
It was beautiful day with my family and kids really enjoyed the nature, fresh air and good company and great domestic food.
We picked these flowers, daisies and primroses in our meadow. Do you like it?
This is our little house in the village. Our cottage!!!
and my happy children playing outside. We really spent great time together.
Thank you! See you!!!
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diamondlife76 avatar
diamondlife76 30 Март

люблю цветы

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 30 Март

what a nice photos!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 30 Март

very nice bouquet )

Teodora avatar
Teodora 30 Март

lovely :)

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 31 Март

I want in village too)

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Stay. Beautiful.

It's Sunday so let's stay at no work psychology...
Enjoy your day, it's beautiful outside.
I just prepare me and my family. We're going on trip to Slovenia.
Rozica where are you?! I bring you my liquor in epruvets!!! ))))))
Stay beautiful....and happy!!!
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 30 Март

very delicate)

Rozica avatar
Rozica 30 Март

Hej :)) I am in Maribor now :) Are you coming here? Have a nice trip :)

seediee avatar
seediee 30 Март

I just came home! I was in Podgrad, half hour from Rijeka. My father village. :D Maribor too far! Next time! :D

Mariia avatar
Mariia 30 Март

Nice trip and nice day for you

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Today I grabbed a beautiful sunset. I was walking along the sea and when I saw the sunset and I had to quickly take a picture.
The perfect moment.
Recently, I find myself often in the situation that I photograph something for blogging over here. Just a weird feeling!
Does this happen to you too?
And on another photo is me today coming on walking path. :P
Bye bye and good night!
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 29 Март

you look wonderful and happy

HelgaPehkel avatar
HelgaPehkel 30 Март

thanks for good posts

seediee avatar
seediee 30 Март


Rozica avatar
Rozica 30 Март

Beautiful :))

Mariia avatar
Mariia 30 Март

Amazing photo from amazing girl!!!Nice!!!

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What is this?

A few days ago I received this as a gift from one my good friend.
Are you wondering what this is? Please, write in your comments what this could be!
I will write after who is the winner with the right answer!!!
Ilona make me idea for this!
Thank you dear!
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seediee avatar
seediee 29 Март

woohooo! I guess we have some winner here. It's Rozica! She was so close! It's cherry liqueur, famous the Maraska Cherry with vanilla. Excellent joke for the presentation, as well as epruvets of blood. Congrats Rozica! We can drink together this liqueur if you wish! :D Thanks everybody for your comments.

Mariia avatar
Mariia 29 Март

aga!!!!I must try it too))))

harpe avatar
harpe 29 Март

:DDD don't get drunk!!!

Rozica avatar
Rozica 30 Март

Jeeeeej I win :D Bring it to Maribor and we will drink it together :D

seediee avatar
seediee 31 Март

:D :D for sure!!! I will save something for you!!!

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