
Want to share my results in poker

Hi, my friends!
Today i want to share with you my results in poker. I started playing poker recently, but I really enjoyed it and my free time sometimes I spend gaming in poker Poker is not such an easy game as i think before.
And after the first game I thought I'll never learn to play normally. But patience has helped me and a few games later, I'm not worried because of the result, and just enjoy the game. Perhaps this is what is the secret of success)
Today I reached the highest result ever
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ANABEVZ avatar

Согласна, но чаще всего она приходит там, где ее не ждешь) Замечал?)

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 17 Янв.

Замечал, потом испытываешь двойную радость! Хотя, если потом анализируешь, понимаешь - что и это была не случайность:)

ANABEVZ avatar

Да, именно так) "Внутреннее чутье" всегда знает, что будет.. А вот мышление не всегда способно уловить то чутье:)

Ziyabash avatar
Ziyabash 23 Янв.

Wow im in it too )) Thanks for not clipping my name ;)

ANABEVZ avatar


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Когда я была ребенком, каждый Новый год был для меня чудом. Я писала письмо сказочному Деду Морозу и ждала его визита. А мой папа всегда укреплял мою веру. "Кто это там? Ты слышишь как метель заиграла во дворе? Это Дед мороз на санях спешит к нам в дом."
И как только слышался скрип входной двери, я затаив дыхание и закрыв глаза ждала чудес. А папа всегда говорил: "Не подсматривай, чтобы не спугнуть долгожданного гостя. Чудеса невидимы, они творятся той силой, что нельзя разглядеть или потрога
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ANABEVZ avatar

khalidamassi , thx!)
Let's dreams come true this year!

lolloo avatar
lolloo 5 Янв.

hi, nice to know you. Happy new year 2015. you are beautiful!

ANABEVZ avatar

Hi, nice to know you too!
Thx and take my best wishes for 2015!)

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 17 Янв.

Детство..., мечты..., теперь мы дарим все это нашим детям! Это тоже делает нас счастливее!

Skif avatar
Skif 28 Янв.

сказку ))  всегда создаем мы !

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Final Miss Dukascopy 2014

Hello, community!

Yesterday was final voiting of Miss Dukascopy contest!
So I want to share with you my feelings.
extend my congratulations to the winner Maria_r !
My favorite was VictoriaVika, but I did bet on Elani .
Girls caught in 10 did an enormous journey! Well done, success to you in real life and in all your endeavors!
I'm glad I took part in this contest!
[b]Many thanks to everyone who supported me and voted for me!

Happy that I still have plenty of emotions from the competition. T
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FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 17 Янв.

Поздравляю, желаю удачи в следующих конкурсах

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For me it is really the last, as this month - for me the last in the competition. In the evening, I will write a few words in farewell, because the time that I spent here give me a lot of good memories and a lot of people with whom I was pleased to meet and socialize. But any competition comes to an end. And for me, Miss Dukascopy ends today and i'm only will wait for results of December voting.

And this is my last task. Task 37.
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fxsurprise8 avatar
fxsurprise8 11 Нояб.

:( so this is why there were no likes to my recent blog posts. Sad to see you go friend, you were a good supporter.

samme avatar
samme 13 Нояб.

Best wishes in your endeavors. Sad you had to go

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 21 Нояб.

Too bad. Good Luck in whatever you do!
But hwere are you heading and what are you going to do? Is there actually something outside of Dukascopy? Does something exist out there? Can you imagine life without Dukascopy?
Come back some time and tell us if there is actually something out there!!!!

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 21 Нояб.

WallStreet6 very good comment, I love what yo said.

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 21 Нояб.

I said goodbye to Miss Dukascopy contest, not Dukascopy community. It like a big family for me)

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Running on a rake/Бегущие по граблям

Hi, dear community!
Today is the last day of the competition, and all my posts will be a bit of a personal nature.In the following words hidden subtext about my feelings, I hope you will understand it.
All we're not just step on a rake. It does not matter whether or not we are traders. Rakes there on any way. You are rich or poor, successful or not. Rakes - an integral part of the road. But that's why someone found some forces do not attack more once, invented workarounds, and some chose to go a
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Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 31 Окт.

Мне кажется, что нигде нет столько «граблей», как на валютной или на фондовой бирже(

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

well, people have very short memory, especially in trading

ANABEVZ avatar

speculo_ergo_sum The memory is one of the problem... But in this running i think the biggest problem that people haven't paticience..

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Окт.

wish you good luck

men79 avatar
men79 2 Нояб.

all the best

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Great Expectations

Good evening, community!!!
We all expect something ... Expect evening or morning. Maybe Friday or weekend. We expect that our wishes will be met.
Expect a desired price changes and the expect results of contests. We are constantly in the expectations and hopes. And this is the most important thing. More precisely one of ..
Make several consecutive actions - we are heading towards the goal. And the expectations and hopes - our companions in this.
Let our expectations will be realistic and become
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JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 30 Окт.

Always expect the unexpected :) .

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 31 Окт.

Как на русском называется?

ANABEVZ avatar

"Большие надежды" по мотивам романа Чарльза Диккенса.
Есть и старая версия 1946.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

Nobody among writers made more money on other people`s sufferings than Dickens

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Flower Garden Miss Dukascopy 2014

So, to the end of Miss Dukaskopy contest remains one day and a few hours. I have often asked myself, what is the role of Miss Dukascopy and its participants for the whole Dukascopy community?

In any society where men dominate women is the flower that fills the space with freshness, gives energy and positive emotions. And here, in trading should be noted that men are more successful.
Each of us is a beautiful flower, each has its own peculiarity and each has its fans. And it seems to me that all
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ANABEVZ avatar

VictoriaVika Да, чувствуется немного напряженного ожидания и приятного тепла))
Рада, что тебе понравилось! Конечно - бери, фото на память))

ANABEVZ avatar

erpat Не совсем)) Это JuliaBF !
Есть немного сходства, ты прав - раньше и не задумывалась об этом..

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 31 Окт.

Настя!!!! Я в восторге от твоего коллажа!! Спасибо тебе огромное)) Это очень и очень приятно!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 31 Окт.

erpat Я даже не знаю как мне это сходство воспринимать))) Как комплимент что-ли?))))

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Окт.


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Hi, guys !! I spoke with traders and found that many of them have a certain dependence on the market.
Ask a question for youself: Do you have this dependence with market? Can you live without a trade couple of days?

Person is pretty weak creature and often depends on any detrimental effects - drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. But in regard to trading, Is there a dependence of forex?
Researchers believe that this dependence have place and it is very similar to the others, and especially on gambli…
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

first of all -- trading is not gaming or gambling

ANABEVZ avatar

not all understand this thing - and this is one of the reason to lost money in trading...

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Окт.

i am agree with speculo

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 31 Окт.

Тогда ладно. Тебе виднее) Если, тем более, ты все время в движении к цели ))

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 21 Нояб.

You are saying that we might be addicted from the wonderfull influx of adrenaline and the great pleasure that overcoming challanges and bringing in profitable trades gives us??????
I say NO NO NO
We are not addicted!
I can surely go without trading for a couple of days (or was that a couple of hours?), but how miserable that might be!!!

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Мечты из реальности

Добрый вечер!
А что бы вы сказали, если бы все ваши мечты стали реальностью?

Что бы вы почувствовали, о чем бы подумали? Куда бы направили свой взор и свои слова?
Что бы вы поняли и узнали? О чем бы вы сожалели и как бы вы приняли все, что нашли бы?

Подумайте только.. Представьте и ощутите, проживите этот момент и запомните его..Отпустите все но, все запреты и сомнения.
Живите чувством победы. Живите настоящим, как будто вы уже получили то, что желаете.
И тогда.. когда вы научитесь понимать и о
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Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 31 Окт.

Если не делать того, что ты описала, то может получится "синдром отложенной жизни"((
Вика, так пиши на русском))

ANABEVZ avatar

erpat Читал?) Я тоже в свое время, по совету психолога с работы..

ANABEVZ avatar

Sharpshooter Новую болезнь изобрел?)
Думаю этот синдром частое явление сегодня..

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

well, when all your dreams come true, new dreams come forward:)

ANABEVZ avatar

yes.. we always must have a dream.. When one dream attained it time to find new dream.. And this is constantly..

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The Top 16 Stock Market Books (number 11)

Number 11: The Art of Short Selling [Kathryn F. Staley]
Today let's talk about the short-term trading and the art of doing it. Of course, every trader himself makes a choice in their policies and terms of trade, but to know - is to be armed. So let's get new knowledge in this difficult, but pleasant work.

A unique book that shows you how to work with the latest trends investments - short selling "The Art of short sales is the best description of this difficult technique." - John Trane, Trane, Thomas, Smith Invest
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bharatholsa avatar
bharatholsa 30 Окт.

good post

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the art of short selling in selling high and buying low:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the wisdom conveyed in one line:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Окт.

yap i like this post

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