Valery1's Blog


Only "YES" Day

This is a perfect possibility to be trouble-free at this day…So here is my Yes Day)
I started my yes day with a little caution. In the evening before this day I made a note in my alarm clock
“ Wake up!!!”.
So my yes morning started at 6 am, which is an hour earlier than I usually wake up, because it was the first warning alarm( I have three more at 6.30, 6.45 and the last one at 7.00) But I had to say yes to my alarm(
It was not easy to wake up, and I even started thinking about closing this…
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Set

Thank you ! :)

Sharpshooter avatar


nastiatru avatar

Congratulations! You just got 15 extra task points added (To the Task 28) for participating in this experiment.

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What does Your Workspace Say about You?

In my opinion, your work-table is reflection of your inner world.
Some people are perfectionists, they want everything to be perfect on their work place and can go crazy if pencils on the table have different size and lie in wrong order.
Other people prefer to have complete mess at their tables and become very angry when somebody try to clean up their work place. (I have a friend who stockpiles dirty dishes and cup around the table and feel very comfortable with it.)
So everybody equips his o…
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Set

Thank you ! :)

nastiatru avatar

you got +20 points added to your Task 28!

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Denim Fashion Week

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ikupriyanov avatar

wow, nice try, you should try your self as a desiner

Stix avatar
Stix 31 Ago

Thank you ! :)

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Task 28

It is very important that every person will think not only about themself but aboutthe world that surrounds us.
I think if every person behaive this way, it will make our world more kink and full of love.
I love animals very much, and I try to help them as much as I can. I have been thinking about doing smal feeder for birds that starve in winter. Thanks to this task I eventually did it.
My friends help me do build this feeder. And I put it on the tree , in the video you can see how it was)
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Ago


ikupriyanov avatar

so sweet)

Olegr avatar
Olegr 31 Ago

чирики не замерзнут и не проголодаются теперь

Stix avatar
Stix 31 Ago

Thank you ! :)

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My Top 5 Apps

I am happy to share with you my Top 5 mobile applications.
There are apps that i use most frequently and enjoy the most.

I am not going tell you what are they, because I want to keep a little intrigue.
So watch the video and have fun!!!
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

интересные приложения

ikupriyanov avatar

where is social networks?)

Olegr avatar
Olegr 31 Ago

хахах, змейка. любимая игра ))

Stix avatar
Stix 31 Ago

Thank you ! :)

Innafarm avatar
Innafarm 31 Ago

Прикольные апс

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I think everyone has seen old school scooters, that became popular between youth. The most popular one is Vespa. It has been created after second world war by italian designer Corradino De Ascanio.
Corradino De Ascanio Wanted to created absolutely new scooter, that would not look like other ones. He wants to get his scooter rid from classic motorcycles shortcomings: cumbersome and complexity of management. Monocoque scooter protects drivers from dirt, and the height of the seat to ensure their s…
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Stix avatar
Stix 26 Ago

Very popular in South Africa too. :) Thanks for the blog.

palvin avatar
palvin 27 Ago

элегантно ))

Kira_Kulinich avatar

обалденный байк)) я бы ездила

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

такой неординарный

ikupriyanov avatar

old school!!!

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I could be wrong, but as far as I know , yesterday was the last day of music festival named Woodstock.
What is so interesting about it?
The Woodstock Music & Art Fair—informally, the Woodstock Festival or simply Woodstock—was a music festival, billed as "An Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace & Music".
It has become popular since it`s foundation. When it was held first time organizators where not expecting so many people, so they had to cut the fence the night before the concert.
it was 1969. …
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Stix avatar
Stix 21 Ago

Everyone has heard of Woodstock... Someone ought to re-create it. My view. :)

Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar

всем Мир)

palvin avatar
palvin 27 Ago

что за туса?

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

обалдеть) я думала подобного в наше время уже нет)

ikupriyanov avatar

I have been there once.. it was something)

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Rice according to Wikipedia is the seed of the monocot plants Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice). It is very popular side dish. Furthermore it is very healthy food. There are a lot of different dishes with rice . Boiled rice, fried rice, sushi, risotto, pilaf, etc. But if you try to cook for example pilaf and sushi fhrom the same kind of rice, it will not work.
So in this post I want to tell about different types of rice
Actually there are a lot of them so I tell you ab…
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Kira_Kulinich avatar

как семки выглядит)

Stix avatar
Stix 21 Ago

Rice is the most neutral PH of all the starches. :)

palvin avatar
palvin 27 Ago


Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

наркота настоящая

Innafarm avatar
Innafarm 31 Ago

черный рис??

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Home, dear home

In this post i want to shortly describe my vacation. I was waiting for it very much.
And now I am at home. I feel relaxed and undisturbed. Despite the fact that there are a lot of sad events have happened , home is still the best place in the world. Now I can go to swim in the sea and go sunbathing everyday, and what is more important I can spend time with my relatives. We just came from a little trip by South coast of Crimea . There are a lot of beautiful places there. I don`t know why we had n…
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 19 Ago

как красиво. Давай в Киев уже скорее)

Stix avatar
Stix 19 Ago

I too wish people could be at peace and enjoy life. :)

palvin avatar
palvin 27 Ago

какой красивый пейзаж)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

красотища еще та) хочу поменять обстановку и куда то срулить))

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So what is wrong with McDonalds?

So what is wrong with McDonalds?

One of the biggest dangers are soft and tasty buns. They usually cause obesity, which is one of the most popular consequences of eating fast food.
Next fact, I accidently found in McDonalds, it is chemical consist of every sandwich in MD. Every sandwich consists different
E-supplements. And it is better to avoid them , if you want to eat healthy.
And what is the biggest disadvantage of eating fast food like McDonalds is that diet high in fat, sugar, animal produ…
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 19 Ago

я после одного видео, найденного в просторах ютуба, больше не позволяю себе эту слабость даже изредка)

Stix avatar
Stix 19 Ago

Not the best nutrition on the planet ! :)

palvin avatar
palvin 27 Ago

какой злостный Рональд Мак Дональд))

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

аааа это самый страшный сооон

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