Convallium's Blog


Sweet December!

Hello my dear community!
I am so excited))) December brought me a lot of presents.
The main gift it is my little girl Milana. She was born on 15th of December.
I want to say thank you for the title of Miss Community. It is also big present for me)
The 2014 year was very hard for me, I had a lot of challenges and temptations.
I am very grateful to all people who support me and always inspire me go ahead!
Thank you, Dukascopy Bank! Thank you, wonderful Dukascopy Team!
Thank you, my lovely
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Lanvesta avatar
Lanvesta 25 Dez

Вот так навскидку если, то Милашка и Андрюша - практически одно лицо)))

Convallium avatar


WallStreet6 avatar


Victoria912 avatar

Молодец!! Дети - это счастье для женщины!! Здоровья и удачи!!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dez


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Hello dear community!
I am so excited)))))) 1 st place in November!!! wow))))))))))
It is good present for me and for my future plans.
I want say THANK YOU, you are all a part of my victory!
Dukascopy community for me it is more than just different contests.
I am glad to be here and to recieved chance to trade.
Dukascopy members and dukascopy team I am grateful to you!
You are all give me inspiration, new goals and opportunities.
I like to trade and I have found myself in it)
I am so h…
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samme avatar
samme 9 Dez


aslamhammad avatar

congrats :)

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 11 Dez


Lanvesta avatar
Lanvesta 12 Dez


Joe_Vulcan avatar

Well done there!

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Dangerous pair- USD/RUB

Hello community!
While I am waiting my special time, yes - I am still waiting)))))) I trade everyday.
I try some strategies on demo account with a big turnover and make small turnover on live account.
The beginning of december is quite interesting for me- I have started to trade with USD/RUB!
In my opinion it is very dangerous pair- you can get a lot of pips and also lost a lot of pips.
USD/RUB it is not good choice for beginners- It is hard to make right prediction for this pair.
I got s…
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fxsurprise8 avatar

I missed several long entries on this pair this year. My initial long in March or April around 36 got stopped out after central bank intervention. I was too early.

Not sure how to proceed as I think now I may be too late to the party. Keep in mind that the Russians may institute capital controls like they did back in 2008. This will result in trading being stopped at forex brokers and large volatility.

Definitely wouldn't advise trading USD/RUB for newcomers, stick to the Euro. It has the lowest costs.

aslamhammad avatar

a short below 50₽ is possible, above 50₽==bullish, difference should be around 4Rubble in both cases :), but if you plan to gamble it in live account, it will be risky==danger close :p. For live account start with EUR/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD. As these are major currency pair and spread is less in it compared to RUB pair :)

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The Last month of the year 2014!

Good morning, guys!
We step to the last month of the year 2014.
I hope this month will be very special for us.
Let we make a lot of profitable trades, win something in
Amazing dukascopy contests, make a list of wishes and
Don't forget to buy a lot of presents for our family, friends .
We should be ready for Happy New Year 2015 !
Only one month left and the year 2014 will go away.
I wish to all of us try to change things in our life which can be
better, try to become new happy person with a new g…
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Lanvesta avatar

Вот и декабрь примчался ) Волшебного месяца, Иннеска!

Convallium avatar

Спасибо, Светуль)

aliffando avatar

good luck and hope you will get it..

Convallium avatar


Delic avatar
Delic 3 Dez

Good morning!!

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I am ready for the winter)

Hi, there!
Oh yeah, I am ready for the winter)
I took my favourite boots and this is perfect time to wear them )
I don't very often wear them because they have specific look but they are very comfortable and warm.
Australian know how to make qualitive goods. My husband always laughs when I wear these boots.
He says that I look like a spaceman when I wear them))) I need go to the Moon)
Anyway, I like them and for now they are perfect variant)

Do you wear UGGI? What do you think about Aus
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Olga18375 avatar

Согласна. Но мне уже чуть проще)

Convallium avatar

идеально иметь и на выход и для ежедневного удобства

Olga18375 avatar

да, конечно, это идеально

Lanvesta avatar

У меня двое сапог: одни на стужу, другие для красоты ))) Теплые, естественно, не блещут красотой, зато в них тепло )

Lanvesta avatar

то есть, две пары ))))

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USD in Ukraine!

Hello dear community!
This blog post I want to devote to the usd in Ukraine!
Our national currency is go down almost every day.
As you may know, a lot of things in Ukraine depend from usd.
All our shops and markets buy goods in american national currency it means
that our goods prices rose up. Ukrainian currency really in bad position.
I remembered one film which can in humoristic way shows you how ukrainian people
very soon will have reaction on the american national currency! It is rea…
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Nov

ахахахах класс) у нас скоро доллар как 8е чудо света будет)

Convallium avatar

если будет продолжаться то что происходит, то так и будет

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The last day of November!

Hey) Hello!
Oh yes, it is the last day of November and I a, still waiting my time)
I am glad that I have time to finish all my deals )
I was waiting this winter with a big pleasure. Tommorow is going to be winter)
We have snow in Odessa and I have already feel a spirit of nearest holidays.
I don't like cold time but it is a life and I just wear warm clothes)
I can say that I dream move on to the warm countries. My organism needs warm)
I hope in the future I will have enough opportunities …
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Lanvesta avatar
Lanvesta 25 Dez

Очень похоже, что осень не сдает позиции, даже через месяц после своего якобы ухода :D За окном +9, и в комнате комарики и мухи )

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Hi, dear friends)
Have you ever seen a wonderful film by James Cameron Avatar?
This film has really interesting idea and amazing illustrations.
I have seen it several times and I can say that this film you can see many times and
it is always with a lot of adventures. James Cameron has wonderful imagination.
He created the most popular films ever such as Titanic, Terminator, Aliens and etc.
I think everyone knows these films. They are really awesome!
The new project by James Cameron is al…
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agddivisas avatar

Very good film, was first film that I have seen in 3D.

Convallium avatar

)) I also like it)

Lanvesta avatar

Впечатляющий фильм - 100%!

fxsurprise8 avatar

never seen it, don't plan to either

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Fairy tales!

Hello community)

Do you like read fairy tales to your children?
I want to say that fairy tales play important role in our children development.
You can choose some stories and with their help teach your children.
The moral part is very important and it can develop the imagination)
You can even use fairy tales to teach your children foreign language.
I always tell to my son fairy tales and put in it one english word and he can understand by himself
what this word is means. Just one forei…
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Lanvesta avatar

Мои дети обожают, когда я читаю им сказки. Хоть уже и сами умеют читать, но перед сном просят, чтобы почитала им мамочка :)

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The day of guests!

Hello dear friends!

I have a day of guests on Saturday. This Saturday my close friends seat near me.
We decided to make special day and spend time together because soon I my life will change.
I am glad to have guests in my house because I am very communicative person.
I am still in waiting and my friends want cheer me up ))) I must say I am very happy )
It is good when we have friends and when we spend time together.
Do you have special days when you meet with your friends?
How often y
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agddivisas avatar

saturday for friends , sunday for family.

Convallium avatar


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