

A Day of autumn walks

When we are sad or when our head is full of thoughts, we need emotional recovery and silence. A park, especially in autumn, when it is full of peace and beauty can help you to become happier. So I want to announce that October, 30 will be the Day of autumn walks.
Spend this day in calm and relaxed atmosphere. Visit your favorite park, and don't forget to get dressed warmly. You can bring your favorite book and a thermos with hot tea or cocoa. You can spend time alone and think about something g
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VictoriaVika avatar

Это городской парк с уточками?! Здорово.

AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 2 11月

да, очень красивый! люблю там гулять)

VictoriaVika avatar

Красота! Хотелось бы и у нас в Киеве такой иметь. Кормить их )

Mohammed9 avatar



Girls, such girls!

I can't say that I'm keen on jewelry. I have very special relations with them. I do not wear them at all or I put on lots of jewelry at once. That is why my mum calls me a magpie.
Until recently, I don't have even a diamond, I'm afraid to wear expensive jewelry for the reason that I can lose or leave them somewhere. At the shows, models must remove all the jewelry, so that nothing distracted them. And it is the very time when girls lose their chains and rings. It is a pity!
So I can wear expens
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VictoriaVika avatar

Beauty!!!! Elegant, classy, stylish lady!

Nti_ avatar
Nti_ 20 10月


AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 21 10月

many thanks, girls!)

ayauho avatar
ayauho 15 2月

Nice story!


Happy mother's day!

Сегодня в Беларуси прошел самый добрый и нежный праздник - День матери.
Мы должны понимать, что то, чего мы достигли в жизни, мы обязаны нашему самому близкому и родному человеку - это маме! Мы должны всегда помнить, что именно мама сможет любить нас всю жизнь и быть рядом в трудную минуту. Никогда не нужно забывать об этом, и необходимо отвечать маме тем же - своей теплотой, лаской и вниманием.
Лишь только МАМА носит нас всю жизнь - сначала ( 9 месяцев) в животе, потом ( до трех лет) на руках
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VictoriaVika avatar

Great Holiday :)

AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 14 10月

Yes, it's true!)


Мой B-day)

Признаюсь, эти выходные были одними из самых лучших и любимых в моей жизни, надеюсь таких еще будет очень и очень много! Мне исполнилось 25 и к этой дате я подходила немного волнующе, всегда казалось, что этот юбилей настанет нескоро. В итоге - не все так и плохо, как я думала))
Я услышала много теплых и добрых слов от родных и самых любимых людей, получила подарки неимоверной красоты, о которых и мечтать не могла! И я действительно очень рада тому, что все мои друзья и знакомые - очень интерес
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AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 14 10月

девочки, спасибо!))

AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 14 10月

Elani,  другое загадала!)
А почему бы и нет, хих)))

Stix avatar
Stix 14 10月

Thanks a lot ! :) :)

Elani avatar
Elani 14 10月

AnnaVer1 я пошутила )))) ты достойна стать!

AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 14 10月

да-да)) я так и поняла, спасибо))) Как я уже говорила, достойных девушек много, а первое место одно(


My desktop

There are always lots of colors and little disorder on my table. As a rule, there are some new collages, watercolors, and of cause a glass of water ( I can't do without it) on my table. I also have a book and a magazine that I read at the present time. And, of course, I can not do without women's stuff. There are always my pink rosary beads and my special nail polish, that I call " Northern Light ", next to me. I can tell about these things in details later.
Well, at the head of the table is Ma
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JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 12 10月

hey that sounds like most people desk arrangement ......  the content may vary .........  Jose

Stix avatar
Stix 13 10月

Looks cool ! :) :)


Live curious

One of my favorite videos is from National Geographic. These words are full of purport of life.
Every person is looking for something: someone tries to find himself, someone tries to answers to the basic questions. It is very important to live and to enjoy and to appreciate things around us: the beautiful sunsets and sunrises, warm sun rays and colorful dew on the grass, kind and tender people that surround us. It is also important to feel our inner world and to trust our feelings, then we will
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Stix avatar
Stix 13 10月

It's a great organisation. I get feed through Facebook. :) :)


Treasured ribbon for a winner.

I desire to get a treasured ribbon "Miss Dukascopy". Of course, I know that many participants deserve to get it, but, unfortunately, only one girl can be the first, so let the strongest to be the winner. Certainly, I want to believe that I am worthy enough to win. And my arguments are: as the title is Miss, it is important to have both external and internal beauty. And thanks to my parents I am equally beautiful inside and outside.
I'm also kind-hearted. To my mind, it's my duty to make at least
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AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 1 10月

друзья, благодарю)

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 6 10月

really good speech :)

ayauho avatar
ayauho 15 2月

Self-education is very good quality!

CriticalSection avatar

ayauho this is very true)) the video is excellent!!

AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 22 8月

many thanks)


Two halves of a whole

To my mind, the success of a man depends not only on his personal qualities and character, but also on what kind of a woman he chooses.
An intelligent, caring, affectionate and understanding woman will always positively influence on a man.
My friend tells me that if he finds such a girl, he will do his best to make her happy and it will be a very good stimulus to succeed. I believe that it is very importantly for both: a man and his woman.
But to tell the truth, it does not really matter - has t
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VictoriaVika avatar

Thank you for this Blog / Task, touching. "Belly is not real" -  LOL, prudent remark :)

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

this belly might move the center of mass of female body to the forefront thus increasing the load on the woman`s toes. gals, do not wear high heels while pregnant:))))))))))))))))

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

but the man is real? or life-size plastic Ken?

verindur avatar
verindur 25 9月

No comments. I have no idea.)))))))))))

OneGoodTrade avatar

It will be, no worries :)


Беги, Лола!

Первые кроссовки появились более 100 лет назад; как и джинсы, они занимают первое место по своей практичности и удобству. Сначала кроссовки создавались для спортсменов-бегунов, но сегодня их можно встретить повсюду: и на улице, и в офисе, и
даже на красной ковровой дорожке!

Сейчас кроссовки переживают второй пик популярности, после 90-х годов. Но если раньше они были частью уличной моды, то сегодня - они хорошо обосновались и на подиуме. И " замахнулись" сразу на кутюрные коллекции! Если вы
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 30 9月

красивая реклама


I did it!

I can't make the video I want from the first time because of my creative profession and love for perfect pictures. The similar story happens to a director when he exhausts the poor actors with endless takes. So, I also toughed myself a little. I had to drink water for 3 times and I drank it all the times till the end, in fact, I even enjoyed it. But the third attempt, as I wanted, was the best, I spread it.
I want to say that I like water and I drink much water, but of cause not in one gulp and
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isomere avatar
isomere 24 9月

once again please)))

OneGoodTrade avatar

What about the water bucket challenge? :)

ayauho avatar
ayauho 15 2月

Misssion completed :)
