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What's in my phone?

Hello, everybody!
My top5-best rated apps you can see in my video presentation!
I have a lot of others favourite apps, but these top 5 apps I use everyday.
If I can't live without these 5 apps- that is mean that they are my favourite)
Wish you good mood)))))))
Our mobile phones can tell about us a lot of things)
What does my phone tells about me? Lets see it!
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Alisitas avatar
Alisitas 31 Out

интересно подобрала музыку!

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I probably created by nature risky personality
Not afraid of absolutely no change. Epiphany frosts in winter, to dive into the river is not a problem, get a tattoo for the sake of the long-awaited son, practicing asana on the edge of the hill, a short cut long hair, ride a bike, to dye my hair not the usual color-that is my nature!
Я от природы наверное создана рискованной личностью
Не боюсь абсолютно никаких изменений. Зимой в крещенские морозы, нырнуть в речку не проблема, сделать тату …
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verindur avatar
verindur 19 Out

Yeah Baby : )))))))))  That suits you very much.

Marina_Cherednichenko avatar

Haha))) thank you verindur:)

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My 5 favourite mobile applications 5 моих любимых мобильных

My 5 favourite mobile applications.
1. Radio.
2. Photo editor.
3. Game "Hangman".
4. Organizer.
5 моих любимых мобильных приложений.
1. Радио.
3.Игра" Вешалка".
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Stix avatar
Stix 8 Out

I like the Radio on mine too. :) :)

verindur avatar


Valeriia_Novikova avatar

All we hear it - radio Ga Ga, radio Goo Goo! Radio - what's new? Radio - Someone still loves YOU!!!

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Favourite applications

1. WhatsApp

Very convinient chat.
I had Viber but there is a lack of inner memory in my phone so I had to choose. Besides Viber and Whatsapp has same options (in Viber you can call, but same you can do with Skype),but WhatsApp's style I like much more.
One of intimate discussions ...
2. Mail Agent

Easy and fast checking e-mails.
3. English dictionary

Also I have French dictionary and English idioms.
(doesn't help that much )
4. Maps
I like to search a way by myself
It's like a game for me.
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VictoriaVika avatar

I like the sound in WhatsApp, when you got a message )

agddivisas avatar

whatsapp is useful.

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What's in your phone!

Ice cream before my phone applications hahah~!!!
Ow ow ow...
Phone applications i don't used them a lot! I will scroll in to my phone to see with i have:
Facebook : but i don't use it because if i need to read my messages i have to go on the regulair Facebook internet so i will not use the application for Facebook haha. I don't know why it's still on my phone...
Thuisbezorg: that is where you can order your food and just stay lazy at home haha that is one i use when it's late and i still have to…
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Stix avatar
Stix 2 Out

I hope you get the point ! :) :)

nessa avatar
nessa 6 Out

ice cream yummie!! haha i would leave me phone also for that

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Top applications to mobile devices

1) Google chrome - it googles!
2) Delivery club - it delivers astiest things!
3) Alarm clock - it wakes me up (and my phone too)))!
4) Facebook - it socializes!
5) Pic Stitch - it makes so nice collage photos!
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Stix avatar
Stix 17 Set

Thank you ! :) :)

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Phone applications

These are my favourite applications/games that are on mobiles and tablets and I tend to use them a lot and maybe a little too much as some people would say to me.
Furby boom
sims free play
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Stix avatar
Stix 15 Set

Thank you ! :) :)

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Blah blah blah ?

Some time ago I would answer this question ( which phone applications are your favourite?) - tweeter. why? Well you can tell the whole world your thoughts in 120 symbols. oh, stop... whole world? naaa, just 50-70 people in the best way.
However, now I will call two apps - "Couple" and ,don't react crazy, "Instagram". You may wonder or just think "oh dear, you are like million of girls capturing her self in the mirror!" No. by the way there are only 2 or 3 photos of mine in the mirror (you can …
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Stix avatar
Stix 5 Set

Thank you ! :) :)

Isahanova avatar


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Top 5 best-rated apps

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Stix avatar
Stix 31 Ago

Thank you ! :)

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My Top 5 Apps

I am happy to share with you my Top 5 mobile applications.
There are apps that i use most frequently and enjoy the most.

I am not going tell you what are they, because I want to keep a little intrigue.
So watch the video and have fun!!!
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 30 Ago

интересные приложения

ikupriyanov avatar

where is social networks?)

Olegr avatar
Olegr 31 Ago

хахах, змейка. любимая игра ))

Stix avatar
Stix 31 Ago

Thank you ! :)

Innafarm avatar
Innafarm 31 Ago

Прикольные апс

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