Блог Сообщества Dukascopy

Отсортировано по тагам:  Miss Dukascopy 2014 Task 23

My extreme!

Hello community!
This is my task about extreme! I hope you enjoy my video! Because i love extreme, different types.
Because if you don't risk, you don't live!
I like it! This is my flight over the river Dnepr in Kiev. It was scary, but I like it!
It is unforgettable.
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akbarich avatar
akbarich 18 Нояб.

Ждем твоих новых видео с большим интересом

masia7 avatar
masia7 19 Нояб.


WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 21 Нояб.

no risk, no fun. no pain, no gain.

Vera_z avatar
Vera_z 30 Нояб.

Ты маньячка!!! Я бы не смогла!!

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Ризики в житті людини

Люди, що ведуть одноманітне життя, ризикують мало. Адже у них все розписано, як по нотах. Робота чи навчання - буденні домашні клопоти - нечасті спілкування з родичами чи друзями - телевізор чи інтернет, в кращому випадку книга або заняття з фізичної культури. Дехто з них переконаний, що "лінощі - рушійна сила прогресу". Для таких людей вилазка на природу є цілою подією. То чи буде така людина рішучою в особливих випадках? Наприклад, якщо необхідно прийти на допомогу іншим, що потрапили в складн…
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Are you a risk-taker?

Hello, dear friends!
I thought about this theme too long. I was trying to decide to tell you these stories or just keep them in secret.
Some of my stories just simple things for many of people but there is one story among them which is not usual and
some people think that this risk which I took its really crazy. I never regret of something, because I believe that all
temptations and difficulties which we recieve from life, we deserve it! I believe in God and took all what He gave
to me wit…
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

every trader is a risk taker by default

Experto avatar
Experto 11 Окт.


MariamKa avatar
MariamKa 14 Окт.

ты просто невероятно смелая и сильная женщина! респект и уважение! успехов тебе,дорогая и всех благ!

VSP avatar
VSP 20 Окт.


Alisitas avatar
Alisitas 20 Окт.

я тобой горжусь!

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Who doesn't risk - that doesn't drink some champagne.

Who doesn't risk - that doesn't drink some champagne.
I had no serious risk acts in life. But nevertheless it is possible to call some those.
1) When I was 21 years old, I got acquainted with the interesting guy with whom it was always cheerful. When our relations passed to a new step, I, of course, very much worried, but wasn't afraid to risk and live with it together. The intuition didn't bring me - a week ago we celebrated the 4th anniversary from day of our acquaintance. Of course there wer…
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Stix avatar
Stix 3 Окт.

I might take a sip. Maybe 2. But that's enough for me. :) :)

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Crazy photo

It was appallingly moment on the slide
Sorry I can't swimming. But I was able to take a picture with a shark)))
In Jungle
JOKING photos for the dessert
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Ready, Set....GO?!

I can identify myself as risk-taker! I was swimming with jellyfishes, sounds normal, but when they sting - it hurts very much...
I was skateboarding! And made different tricks ! But than I got serious trauma and I can't go back to it, btw yes, psychologically I'm not ready...
parachute ! Well...no comments. Only one - if you haven't tried it - i dare you Well... I want to do it much as I can!
Soooo everything will be in the nearest future But remember - adrenaline is amazing thing!
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Рискую, но редко)))

Привет Dukascopy!!!
Вот это самый экстрим, когда высоко и медленно.
Спасибо за внимание!!!

Теперь поясню столь короткого моего видео... Я была на колесе обозрения с двух месячным ребенком на руках и рядом сидела дочка 5 лет и мой оператор))), который до ужаса боится высоты. Мне с большим трудом получилось затащить ее на эту безобидную медленную карусельку и вручила ей камеру.
Ну и на самой высоте мы сняли для Вас такое экстримное видео.
Да, у каждого свой экстрим, я позапрошлом году ездила в …
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Сент.

Thank you ! :)

katyax avatar
katyax 26 Нояб.


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I like 10% of risk in my life

I like some risk in my life. It make my life more interesting. I like diving, rockclimbing, exotic traveling. For example last december I was Antarctica cruise. It was super interesting but dangerous also. Because we have some problems with ice. One day our ship cant move because of ice.Also there are was to much dangerous animals- whale, ciler whale, orca,sea leopard. They dont scary of us, but we are
Also one time I was in vietnam and we go riding kayaking in caves. And our kayak can not move …
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Stix avatar
Stix 21 Авг.

I wager my socks all day ! Laugh. :)

annechka avatar
annechka 21 Авг.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Дек.

Most things we do in life is a risk of some sort

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 4 Февр.

adventure ıs very motıvatıve

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Take every risk. Drop every fear.

Hello my dear friends!
Today, I would love to share my experience.
'Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.' (Denis Waitley)

My life is full of fun and entertainments. I am this kind of person who always takes the risk, otherwise I get bored.
Most of you consider that risk is something like a jumping from the heigh. But for me it is more something when you experience positive emotions; something that change your
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Stix avatar
Stix 20 Авг.

To trade, you have to be able to risk. Our heads on the chopping block all day ! :)

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 8 Апр.

I always admire people who have the courage to mainly do what they think..Lets just say that i am on the same page with you on this one though you probably have more guts than me. Loved number 3. That was so cool :))).

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Niceness worth the risk

I won’t say I am an adrenaline junkie. Just sometimes I left no choice but have to risk my life (life lol? Sound so serious). It sounds ridiculous, but I can tell you that I would do anything dangerous for only a stunning photo shot. Since I am a photo-shooting junkie, my intention of pursuing aesthetics is unceasingly . Thus, I believe every single pretty pictures worth the risk.
I have several real daring experiences when doing the photo shoot. Like taking bikini snapshot in Iceland wh
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Skysea avatar
Skysea 13 Авг.

Agree, it is a nice shoot !

lonelypacer avatar
lonelypacer 15 Авг.

meaningful !

Stix avatar
Stix 15 Авг.

Nice setting. :)

nicoyyy avatar
nicoyyy 22 Авг.


peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 24 Авг.

ceciho  you know I had so many photos taken while travelling, sure will do soon!

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