ilonalt's Blog


We are all different

Every of us have our own way in life, our aims, dreams, points of view, opinions. Many of us can look at the same situation different. Even the same picture different people can see different. And it is not bad. It is the life. We all have our own experience in life and guide by it . Everything is relative in life. What is pretty for someone, can be ugly for another. What is the most important for someone, can be not interesting for another. There is no one in the World who didn't make any mist…
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sonjatrader avatar

Yes ilonalt the beauty is inside the soul if you meet people with a nice soul you find one of the best gifts.:)

seediee avatar
seediee 14 Lis

Heeh Nadin, with little help of google I translate your statement! ... and I add: because I dare to be different! :P

floge avatar
floge 14 Lis

yes, we are all different and people generally accept that, but if someone is too different is not accepted. that's how society creates the forever alone people, and the hipsters, i suppose :-D

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 14 Lis

floge, I understand what you mean, and i can't speak for another, but personally for me, there is no difference is someone too different or not so much, i respect any people if she/he has good intentions, i'm able to communicate with any people, no matter their age, gender, sex orientation, quantity of money, profession etc.

floge avatar
floge 14 Lis

glad to know :-) me too.

lubZostaw komentarz

Miss Dukascopy 2014 Warm-up: Task 1

Well, at last I've finished my hard short trading contest! Yesterday and today was very hard days for me, as I wrote I didn't sleep last night, as I've made a mistake in FX trading and I had to wait during whole night right moment to close position, which was no profitable. Today I also haven't any rest because there was some important news and I need to do all my best to be the first! So, I've finished short trading contest with 151.51k.
I think it is not so bad results....Right now I'm so tire…
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lubZostaw komentarz

Short trading contest

Well, today is the last day of short trading contest and I would like to share some thoughts about it. I think that almost all real traders will agree with me, that if you trade in Forex, you must be ready for not only profitable trades. As I wrote before in my previous blogs, I have almost 4 years experience in real Forex trading and you may see here my FX experience from my first steps.

So, at the beginning of a short…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Lis

Well done :)))

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Let's help to others who need a help!

I wanted to share with you this very sad story from the beginning of my participation in Miss 2013, but I consciously didn't do that, because people could think that I did it for become more popular. And now, when Miss 2013 is already finished for me, it is time to tell you that tearful story, which always make me cry.
It is a very painful story about boy who left this World only when he was 18 years old, but before he leaving, he turned to music in a big way - writing and performing songs as a …
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sonjatrader avatar

Carpe diem cause live is fragile for everyone of us. This kind of person give all of us a lesson. I am sure Zach now is singing to the star and dancing with the clouds. Every day, every moment we must be sensitive but all of us forget this till the moment we see one close person with pain.

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

Although Zach lived only 18 year here, but he's done great job - until last moment he wanted to help others - because of Zach, his family’s support, and the donations of thousands in his name, kids with osteosarcoma will have better outcomes in the future. This was a source of comfort to Zach in his last days, and will provide comfort to his family going forward.. Zach was very strong and powerful person and it is great loos that such person leave the World.

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

Here is a film about Zach "My last days", and again I was crying all the time during I've saw it......

lubZostaw komentarz

Some thoughts

As always Paulo Coelho is right!
"Arrogance attracts hatred and envy. Elegance arouses Respect and Love."
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

Thank you, sonjatrader :) for me the most important, what is coming from inside of us - goodness, good intentions, love, respect to others,education and elegance - these are things we can't buy for any world's money. Some people put on beautiful masks, but everything which is artificial never will be beautiful! As I used to say - all masks worn out sooner or later :)

sonjatrader avatar

Hey Ilionat I completely agree with you. Always respect is elegance too, I think .And there are to much people that talk about respect but their behaviour is not respectful at all. Happy to share with you your clever point of view. :))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

nice to meet here so nice people :)

sonjatrader avatar

Nice to meet you!!! :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

I'm always open to people who appreciate what is real and natural in life!

lubZostaw komentarz

Salvador Dali Elephants

I like this one of Salvador Dali

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Nadin5794 avatar

возможно он хотел сказать этим полотном о том,насколько далеки от земных радостей наши амбиции))...

kolokol avatar
kolokol 6 Lis

Из реального там только люди,избушка(возможно беседка) и холмы! Все остальное загадки...которые он оставил потомкам,своим почитателям,что бы разгадать его самого!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

da vot i pravelno, i kazdyj razgadyvajet po svojemu :)

kolokol avatar
kolokol 6 Lis

Думаю он хотел сказать,что космическая карма управляет жизненной кармой. И что человеку простому невозможно изменить в что -то недосигаемом для него...Так как у слонов действительно ОООчень длинные ноги и месторасположение в поднебесье вместе с катапультой на слонах! Или животных похожих на слонов!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Lis

interestnoje mnenije :) a ja, vsiota-ki dumaju cto on xotel nam pokazat naskolko xrupok mir! V liubom slucaje, kazdoje mnenije interesno, kak vyshe upomianuli, kazdyj razgadyvajet zagadku po svojemu :)

lubZostaw komentarz

Poker again :)

I can't believe myself but I've just won poker tournament again
Have a sweet dreams!
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seediee avatar
seediee 5 Lis

:D you are poker woman with "poker face"! Congrats ilonalt! Keep going...

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

seedie, they can't see my face, but if they could, I think they will see my poker face :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

actually, poker will help develop patience, and this feature helps in my cases of life, and also in Forex trading :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

in many cases, sorry :)

Airmike avatar
Airmike 5 Lis


lubZostaw komentarz

Short Trading contest

Well as this short contest goes to the middle, I would like to share some my experience.
As I'm real trader and have almost 4 years experience in Forex, and as along Miss Dukascopy contest I actively participated in other contests (Trading, Fundamental, Strategy, Technical analysis, Article, Poker- by the way activity in other contests was underlined in recommendations for Miss Dukascopy contest participants), I would like to share some my experience. One of the most important things in Forex …
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jezz avatar
jezz 5 Lis

You trade with larger volumes than me (ok, I opened some by mistake at 0.1mil). But, I like to have some margin free for more pairs at once, so I can jump in with a hedge position if needed.
That's my view. Btw, you're doing awesome

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

tnx, jezz, one more important thing in FX, to keep your own strategy

lubZostaw komentarz


Dear friends,
Sharing a little my joy with you ( thus lasts days was not so lucky for me ) - but today I've just won Poker tournament again - it is my 3 time during 2 month!
Have a nice dreams!
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

tnx, seedie! as I say, poker learns me to be patient :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

sorry, patience :)

SIBINPS avatar



I think i can bet u any games, see u in saturday :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Lis

maybe, we will see :)

lubZostaw komentarz

New mamber of our family!

We have a new member of our family!
His name is TinTin!
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2 Lis

you are right Helga :)

Natali_Poltavskaya avatar

I dont like dogs, but your dog is super cool)))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2 Lis

besides he, we have a Persian cat, water turtles, fishes....

Natali_Poltavskaya avatar

want to see the cat!!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2 Lis

I have a blog about it! You may find if you like

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