Neetu's Blog


Last Blog post

Congratulations to the top 10.
Thank you to the peope who supported me.
I will continue making videos on you tube and I think I will make my own blog.
I discovered a lot about myself through this process and I really like blogging. I think I found my voice in this forum.
I wanted to make a video for you guys but I got sick again. I teach kids and one kid came to school sick and coughed all over me so... I get sick a lot. Please treat teachers well. We go through a lot. lol.
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Ivetta avatar
Ivetta 1 nov

Have a speedy and easy recovery, Neetu. I like your blog a lot :)

Neetu avatar
Neetu 1 nov

Thank you.

jezz avatar
jezz 2 nov

'I really like blogging' :D
I always wondered who these people are, don't they have better things to do? After I filtered what I like as topics, I can say - LIKE
And take care, tea, lemon, soup... you know the drill

cosma avatar
cosma 9 mar

non vichingo è con te!

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Tokyo Disneyland (TDL)

The voting seems to still be going on so I'm gonna make some more posts.
Also, Japan should hire me as their official international what's cool in Japan tour guide. I'm really good at this. lol.
From mid Septemeber to Oct. 31 TDL celebrates Halloween. This park as well as Tokyo Disney Sea (TDS) is decorated and realy cool to see. If you love halloween, you should really go there on Halloween, or maybe the day before... it's not only for kids.
My friend was there yesterdy, I'm so jealous.
The fir…
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The future of technology.

This is an amazing Canadian company that creates thought controlled products.
I think this is the future of technology. They have created projects that include one where the lights of Vancouver are controlled by your thoughts. Brain sensing technology has some investors interested.
Actually, I'm like a proud mama cause my brother is working on things like this and is involved.
Here is an interesting article from their site: …
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diamondlife76 avatar

этот сайт на русский можно перевезти?

Neetu avatar
Neetu 1 nov

To Google translate! .... "This site can be transported" ... Sorry, I don't understand. But these comments cannot be tranlated well. The translator for this doesn't work for me so I have to use google and google translate usually isn't accurate.

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Some of my videos.

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Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct

Very nice!

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40 minutes left to vote!

It's Halloween. Then we can go out and celebrate. We finished this thing!
It was a lot of work.
I learned a lot and met some great people.
Thank you so much to everyone that supported me and liked my blog and my videos.
Happy Halloween, don't eat too much candy.
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Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct

Love that!!!

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Halloween party, not on Halloween

This is from yesterday actually.
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Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct

the pirate girl!

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My Jack o Lantern

Not my best work, but I was in a hurry.
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Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 oct

really, because its pretty good. Nice artistry.

CriticalSection avatar

haha you did good... i mean, i can tell it's some sort of cat with a curly tail :) +10

Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct

So cool....

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Part 2, Last chance to vote.

No photoshopping done.
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WallStreetBlog avatar


CriticalSection avatar

i'm over the patch now, the red is the issue lol

CriticalSection avatar

well done with the shoot - Kawaii..!! ;)

Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 oct

I love your hair. I really wanna do mine like that. :)

Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct


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Finally, the pics from my shoot. (part 1)

First time doing something like this. Today is the last day to vote.
I believe that I am the best candidate.
Please like and comment on my pictures and blog posts.
I wish Halloween wasn't the final day. Many are very busy today.
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CriticalSection avatar

It's hot in here - seriously!! :)

Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct

nice photos!

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Tokyo must eats... for science! (part 4)

Hey guys,
I'm gonna tell you about 2 more foods you should try if you go to Japan.
Ramen!!!!! It is really popular and famour in Japan, though it's a chinese food. Japanese Ramen is a little different though.
People in Japan line up for miles to eat at a good ramen place. They are usually hole in the wall places that are hard to find .
Japanese people LOVE food and can eat a lot. I saw a report that of the body type that can eat a lot and not get fat, Japan had the highest number of these kinds…
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Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 oct

wow!! I've never had this.. it looks really special.

Waves avatar
Waves 31 oct

would like to there

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