

Golden Girls!

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sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 15 11月

I hope when I will be a golden girls still enjoy your wonderful friendship!!! :)) xoxo

seediee avatar
seediee 15 11月

xoxo Sonia! No doubt! I'm in the middle, blonde with geek glasses. :P Which one is you? I think first on the left with red hat, a Spanish lady! :)))) What a DDT?!!! :D

sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 16 11月

Haha Edita!! I am the women in reds hat ?? We will be glamorous ....Nice DDT ( DivineDarlingTeam) xoxo

seediee avatar
seediee 22 11月

DDT - Dukascopy Dream Team! :)))


Lift Up Morale

Hi beauties!!!
The day you decide not to ask for the things you love, but rather like what happens - on that day you become mature!
We always want what we love. But it will make us miserable because nothing happens according to our preferences or aversion. There is no guarantee that life wants what we love. It is possible that your life is awarded to something about which you have no idea.
When it happens sometimes what we love, we will be very happy, because whatever you require, we have alread…
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floge avatar
floge 13 11月

seediee, of course i was kidding, hope you're kidding too :| is the first time im aproching almost everybody, im a newbie here...

floge avatar
floge 13 11月

prazer tambem critical :-) vemo-nos por aí

harpe avatar
harpe 14 11月

Forte seediee, as always! You inspire people. In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. You own great strength and discipline. Dukascopy, please don't let Edita run away !!! ...

seediee avatar
seediee 14 11月

Yeah, thank you harpe! I'm just sad that floge and critial fight with their ego on my wall. They destroyed my masterpiece. They never write to me and now they claim the right to get smart with me, on my last blog post here! Nick, where are you now? Protect me! :P :)))

floge avatar
floge 14 11月

never meant to do that, i was just kidding paraphrasing Oscar Wilde to respond Critical about his question which was something like "why have you so much reputation points?". but ok, i understood the message, i'm leaving your thread, no hard feelings bye bye


Back to life...

I'm writing to you because I feel that I must. I have to wash the bitter taste in my mouth and move on. Return to normal everyday life.
I wrote here blogs all the time, I didn't just copy-paste articles and a lot of nonsense posts which are not appropriate for this kind of blog. I have always argued discuss about business, life, social media, style, feelings without gossip, and I was full of spirit. That's why I was noticed in our beautiful community. At the end I believed that this is why …
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 12 11月

Be happy!

harpe avatar
harpe 12 11月

Dear brave Edita, you're really so special woman. You're not just a pretty face, but also a genius! You have manners, morals and vibrant intelligence. Don't wait for validation from people who do not need the results in life. Look at this video and all will be told to you. Smile! Happiness looks gorgeous on you.

seediee avatar
seediee 12 11月

Heeh, thank you dear good people for such a nice and positive comments! And thank you all for great messages you write to me these days. Some of you made me cry, from happiness, pride and grace. My heart is so big... As I said before; this is my wonderful journey and I know that out of this something
good will turn out. I did great job all by myself and it's a big reputation in business finance world and I hope somebody will hire me! I'm banker! It's all about work, I talking about all the time, not winning! I'm an artist of survival. :P I'm happy!!! Thank you Dukascopy Bank.

sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 12 11月

Be strong, be brave cause beautiful you are!!! :))

aslamhammad avatar
aslamhammad 14 11月

i wish you good luck for miss dukascopy 2014 :)....Remember that you are a strong and beautiful woman so never give up and never let go of your dreams :)


I'm fan of my fans !!!

Hello my fans!!!
This is probably my last blog post on Miss Dukascopy 2013 tag.
I will write here more because I like to write and share with people good and smart thought and stuff. And I love Dukascopy community! I'm glad that with my blog posts people have learned something new in business and life in general, people have intelligent entertainment with me in good and positive intentions. I have much more to offer to the world!
I never copied someone other phrases, ideas ... and I have never b…
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sonjatrader avatar

Edita Bonita what I very good blog. We love you (mag and sonja). Seediee must be Miss Dukascopy 2013!!! All our best wishes to you. Good luck!!! Alea iacta est. Kisses :))))

Jessie1 avatar
Jessie1 8 11月

So adorable as you are! Full of spirit and innovative gift! I wish you all the best seediee! :)))

seediee avatar
seediee 8 11月

Thank you all! I'm happy to have you! This is not the end, this is the beginning... :D

seediee avatar
seediee 9 11月

@harpe - You were right with this song you gifted me, I understand now! Great words! Thank You! :) and btw, Madonna is a queen. She also know where to live - London! I have to move too! :P

Neetu avatar
Neetu 12 11月

haha, but she lives in New York now. I Love Tokyo, that's the place for me.


Face from the title

Hi everybody,
Writing blogs on Miss Dukascopy 2013 is really decreased. Where are you all?
Only a few are still active here! I have a feeling that I could write here all the time.
I traded a little today, and I'm satisfied. In one hour I've earned a good salary. Pity that this is all virtual money. :P
Anyway, you should always work smart, disciplined and committed. Do not be frantic and frenzied. Have patience!
With a little bit of fun with my sense for marketing and social media as well as for…
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sonjatrader avatar

Hi Edita Bonita you are very creative. You deserve the prize. We love you too. Higs and kisses:))))

sonjatrader avatar

So happy to meet so wonderful woman that I can say is a friend :)))

seediee avatar
seediee 8 11月

Thank you Sonia! My gift is that I met you, that we are connected in the best possible way! Great woman! xoxo :)))

harpe avatar
harpe 8 11月

Heeh this is so powerful seediee! This woman emanates security, knowledge and confidence! This I call Mental Awareness! Congratulations! You always surprise me! :)))

seediee avatar
seediee 8 11月

Thank you harpe for your sincere support and great comments! I really like you! <3


Glamour, Elegance, Diamonds...

OMG girls...
this Contest is come to THE END! tic tac, tic tac...
I can't even think, work and eat...
I wish to teleport myself to Geneva Forex Event and be there this Friday with all these beautiful people there!
Dukascopy, You made a future with this digital internet Contest and Show. And I'm very honored to be part of this Contest.
I feel already like a movie star, internet star or Dukascopy star!
I wish to keep the glamour and elegance to the end, be myself and share with you some beautiful,…
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sonjatrader avatar

All my best wishes for you EDITA must be Miss DC 2013!!!! Hugs

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 11月

dear Edita, don't think about prizes now - it is all temporary! Think about good jobs you will do, if you win, what will be useful for somebody. I wish you good luck ! Be calm! Everything will be like it must be! Anyway you won! All the best fro you!

seediee avatar
seediee 6 11月

Thank You for sincere support of my good jobs I have done and I will do in the future! :)
We've come too far, to give up who we are.
So let's raise the bar, and our cups to the stars! ...

alincik avatar
alincik 6 11月


harpe avatar
harpe 7 11月

Great! As I said before: you are earned STAR! Glamorous lady with bright mind and beautiful soul. You're remarkable and very positive person Edita! I wish you all the best and good luck!


Trading corner

In my experience, there are very few genuine traders who have the ability and willingness to trade live in front of you.
But that's exactly what few of us from Miss Dukascopy 2013. are doing this week. Weeee!
We're opening our trade room, and you're invited to watch us trade LIVE!
In my experience, this is not easy if you do not know what you're doing. So get educated!
I have my own strategy, I'm not aggressive trader, but very disciplined trader who trade for a living and I stick to it. I
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sonjatrader avatar

Edita I like your theory for long-term. I think trader contest is really interesting and educational for everyone. Good luck to you :))

seediee avatar
seediee 5 11月

Thank you Sonia! ;) I agree with you completely!

seediee avatar
seediee 5 11月

hi hi, nice! But I drink coffee... :P always with style! :)))

seediee avatar
seediee 5 11月

LOL :D you make me laugh! I can imagine you! I trade and cook, look in cross; one eye on laptop, other on my pot! But always dress to impress! :)))) I like people with sense of humor! :P


Viva Forex Colors!

Inspired and stimulated with so many beautiful messages of support and congratulations from members of Dukascopy community, I decided to publish this beautiful picture of me as a great representative of Dukascopy Bank and Forex Trading.
I love these colors of forex trading. Red and green!
This is me, my commitment and my creativity!
I apologize that I have not reached everyone yet on reply for support thanks. I thank you all this way!
This weekend was very emotional for me. I had to rest an…
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seediee avatar
seediee 4 11月

Great, I wish to trade but I still haven't received my login details. :(

seediee avatar
seediee 4 11月

Of course, you can do whatever you like, but these are the main settings! :)))

sonjatrader avatar

Seediee very good luck in your trader contest!!! :))

dovla avatar
dovla 7 11月

I'm impressed! Good idea! Very creative! Good luck seediee!

seediee avatar
seediee 8 11月

Thank you! Love you! :)



"I deserve all good things.
I am worthy of all good things.
This is my time.
I am more than I appear to be.
All the worlds power and strength rests in me."
This is mantra I telling myself after I saw yesterday rating. I know andI'm aware of all my quality and I'm grateful to Dukascopy that gave me opportunity to show myself under the spotlight.
I like spotlight!
I expose myself and my life with you during these 5-6months, and participated actively in the community, did all tasks on time with
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diamondlife76 avatar

Вы мне очень понравились как участница, рада что Вы в 10 сильнейших!

seediee avatar
seediee 3 11月

You write sort of things here. I'm not responsible for your behavior and comments. I just wanted write one positive and supportive blog post with good intentions and manners for women which deserved more! Some of them become my friends and this dedication is something I can do for them! I agree with jezz - Earning respect is much more difficult than a like. Thank you all! <3

sonjatrader avatar

harpe avatar
harpe 3 11月

Bravo seediee, you're powerful! You're focused on others, not just to yourself. It's a feature of the greatest and the biggest! Congrats and Respect! ;)

sonjatrader avatar

As Aristotle said the ignorant affirm, the wise man hesitates and reflects. Very good and honest article Edita.
Kisses :))



How happy I'm!!!
Today my son drew this beautiful drawing for me!
He told me that I'm his winner no matter what!
I just cried ...
This is the most beautiful gift! I feel so proud, so wonderful, so happy...
I'm speechless ...
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seediee avatar
seediee 1 11月

As his mummy!!! :)))

Patrisha avatar
Patrisha 1 11月

haha! great!

H0nza avatar
H0nza 1 11月

Better than anything else! You are lucky having proud and loving son :)

Neetu avatar
Neetu 1 11月

Good luck Seedie.

seediee avatar
seediee 8 11月

Thank you all! :)))
