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Filtered by tags:  Miss Dukascopy 2013 Task 17

Influential Women

I will choose Gisele Bündchen.
I was thinking a lot who to choose, but decided to choose female that is not only smart, interesting and inteligent, but also very beautiful. Some times to keep good look after 30 is not so easy. But she did perfect!
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Influential women

My ranking table might look as follows:
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peterisp avatar
peterisp 17 Oct.

I vote for Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala ;)

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Influential women

This topic is very interesting, because I believe that women run the world. Even if the president is female, he has a wife so she is his support. Without women men won't be that successful as they are. Everything that is done, is done only for the women.
And now I need to choose 3 the most important and woman from the given list... It is very difficult because each on them deserve to be the "Inspiration for human beings". Of course it depends what exactly are you interested in - politics, econo…
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Influential women

I respect all influential people, who make World better and nicer. It is very difficult distinguish one or some of them. I think each are particular and needful.
But as according to the Task requirement I need to choose 3 of them I will choose Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde and Dilma Ruosseff.
I admire Angela Merkel because she is simple and straight. She well knows what she want and the ways to achieve it. Germany economy is strongest in Europe and I think it is big contribution of Angela Me…
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like +1

marius24 avatar
marius24 8 Oct.

you are an influential woman for your children :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 11 Oct.

thank's dear marius24, it is one of the most important compliment for me :)

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Influential women

Очень сложно из этих великих женщин выбрать лишь троих. Я очень восхищаюсь женщинами-первооткрывателями, а мои любимые качества - это сила, мудрость и смелость. Я хочу номинировать троих женщин именно по этим трем параметрам.
1. Женщина-сила - Ангела Меркель, первая женщина-канцлер в истории Германии. Пусть не со всеми ее политическими взглядами я согласна на сто процентов, но спорить о том, что этот человек - творец нашей с вами истории - не станет никто. За урегулирование военных конфликтов, з…
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tigi93 avatar
tigi93 29 Oct.

+1 за Меркель

nastya1994 avatar
nastya1994 30 Oct.

+ за Русеф

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Influential women .

Good afternoon, everyone! Came out very interesting task 17, and I have great pleasure to perform it.What can I say about the list of world-famous women, I think, to achieve such heights, you need to have a great mind, willpower, courage, resourcefulness, talent. And one more, the most important point - To be successful in any field, one must know exactly what he wants. I am sure that all these women have these qualities of character.I've been thinking whom to select from a list, and finally dec…
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yulya avatar
yulya 4 Oct.

Information is worthy of attention

Blackmen avatar
Blackmen 17 Oct.

They have a lot to learn

exponenta avatar
exponenta 28 Oct.

Who of the Ukrainian women you proud?

baksss avatar
baksss 30 Oct.


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Influential women

Men are always called the sterner sex. Maybe it's true when we're talking about physical strength. But if we talk about the willpower and working ability, social duty, life’s calling, so women are the real sterner sex in the men’s world. Women give birth to children, overcoming the strong pains. Bring up their children. Engage in housework. As well as men women are educated, make a career and always prove that there is no profession where a woman can not be successful. Women
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Lika_Ya avatar
Lika_Ya 29 Sep.

Good choice!

Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 29 Sep.


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The most important lady

In my opinion the most powerful woman in the world is Elizabeth Blackburn. This is very important for us to appreciate such people. She is studying telomeres. Telomeres - small plots of chromosomes which are responsible for aging. She seeks the path of salvation of all mankind. Perhaps soon, people will stop aging in General. There is a special enzyme, telomerase, that with the help of its own RNA matrix completes replays and longer telomeres. For opening the protective mechanisms of the chromos…
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mag avatar
mag 3 Oct.

very well described

geula4x avatar
geula4x 24 Oct.

+1 Liked: Very interesting indeed! Thanks for posting :-)

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Влиятельные женщины

Я прочитала весь список женщин, которые добились успеха, стали влиятельными. Некоторых я не знала - прошу прощения!В итоге познакомившись со всеми представительницами я отмечу, что каждая достоина попасть в тройку моих лидеров. Так как каждая женщина из списка обладает уникальным набором личных качеств.Если честно, очень сложно сделать выбор .... Все женщины из списка достойны уважения ....Конечно сферы науки, здравоохранения, политики это очень важные для мира направления, но из списка конечно …
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 29 Sep.

Прекрасно выполненное задание!

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Women I most admire from the list for task 17

For this task we had a short list of women and had to choose three that we thought were the most important.
Interestingly Giselle Bunchen was on the list. I wouldn't have thought that. I would have preffered Angelina Jolie or Ian Somerhalder but then I read her bio and realized why she was in the list.
Anyway, they are all important or famous but I chose three that I like the best. Park Geun-hye is interesting but I heard that she hasn't done much from some Korean people and so dropped her from …
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CriticalSection avatar

good job girl, now I know these influential women better :)

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