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Make me Miss Dukascopy

The fight between 1,5GB file and me is over!!!! Here it is, at the end of the competition, the summary of why it should be me.
The text is a part of what I said. Thank You and enjoy.
Two months ago I couldn’t say why – beauty hasn’t been my first argument in anything, nor will be this time. Participating in other conetsts and surfing through other members’ profiles, while receiving messages, expanding connections beyond this site made m…
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sonjatrader avatar

Jezz very good reasons
"Soul is dyed the color of his thoughts. Just think of those things that are in line with your principles and you can see the light of day. You choosse the content of your character. Every day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do, is what you become. Your integrity is your destiny...It is the light that guides your way." Heraclitus
Good luck :)))

jezz avatar
jezz 1 Nov.

Thank you Sonja. It is always a pleasure to read your comments.

zumba avatar
zumba 1 Nov.

you tube jezz!

seediee avatar
seediee 2 Nov.

Great jezz! You're so powerful and direct!!! Respect! :)

jezz avatar
jezz 2 Nov.

It was second attempt :D. In the first one I sounded like Tweety the bird and in Halloween edition - mostly dark with a glimpse of blond.
Thanks, it is harder to get 'respect' than a 'like' ;)

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Vote for me

Всем привет) Скоро финал! Голосуйте за меня пожалуйста. Я очень хочу стать Мисс Дукаскопи. Есть 5 причин, почему именно я достойна победы на конкурсе.
1. Я привлекательная девушка. Я бы смогла представлять Сообщество Дукаскопи.
2. Я умная. Мне нравится постоянно изучать что-нибудь новое. Мне действительно нравится.
3. Я могу долго и упорно трудиться. Я могу потратить много сил и времени для достижения поставленной цели.
4. Я очень добрый и дружелюбный человек.
5. Я гибкая. Как в общении, так и..…
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Task 14 Почему я должна победить?Смотрите сами!

Столько, сколько это может показаться не скромным, но на самом деле есть хорошие 5 причин, почему я должен победить! И я рад представить их вам:
  1. Я умный и красивый, как правило, только одну вещь, но я исключение)))
  2. Я добрый и заботливый, и она должна быть истинной миссии!
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Anastasia_pruncess avatar

Всем огромное спасибо за поддержку)

Sfinks avatar
Sfinks 28 Sep.

когда победишь- мы встретимся - обязательно встретимся...

oksana888 avatar

смотрите птица размечталась,не для тебя мамка цветочек растила

tomma_voinalovich avatar

Желаю победы!Ты этого заслужила!

Chicha avatar
Chicha 23 Oct.

Насюша,ты умничка !Ты столько раз побеждала сама над собой,что глядя гна тебя понимаешь,что ты уже победила!

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"Make Me Miss Dukascopy 2013!"

Hello, friends! It's time to complete the task 14. Immediately, I want to apologize for the fact that I will speak in Russian, but to my regret, I do not speak English.So, my five reasons to become Miss Dukaskopi: 1) The money for the first prize, I want to invest in the construction of our house, it'll help her husband. I think it is worthy of respect.2) The second reason - that is what I am beautiful woman and deserves a place in the top five leaders.3) The third reason - I am a talented man a…
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Übersetzen in Englische Sprache Zeige Original
seediee avatar
seediee 10 Sep.

Very nice! I understand some words it is similar to Croatian! :))) My vote for you!

yulya avatar
yulya 18 Sep.

very worthy cause!

Blackmen avatar
Blackmen 18 Sep.

good video!

exponenta avatar
exponenta 28 Oct.

honestly said

baksss avatar
baksss 30 Oct.

Вы просто обязаны выиграть этот конкурс, потому что имеете достаточно весомые причины .

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Make Me Miss Dukascopy 2013

Hi, everyone! My name is Ann, so in this video I will give you 5 reasons WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR ME in "Miss Dukascopy" contest.Reason # 1Im hardworking and ambitious and I´ll never give up, dispite the situation.Reason # 2I studied ballet for 7 years and I studied in the studio of models for 5 years, so Im not afraid to speak in public and meet new people.Reason # 3I took part in many beauty contests, photoshoots for magazines, fashion shows, so I know how to stay beautiful in any time.Reason #…
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99Natali avatar
99Natali 10 Sep.

Excellent video and excellent pronunciation of the English language! Good luck to you! One vote from me :)

Anyakoks avatar
Anyakoks 10 Sep.

Thank you very much :)

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 10 Sep.

Nicely done. :)

Daytrader21 avatar

Top notch video:).....and I like your accent :)))

Victor avatar
Victor 10 Sep.

i can give my support of 100 likes for point 4 alone.. but take this one which is equal to million likes

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Why I should be Miss. Dukascopy, Task 14

Dear Dukascopy community. My name is Anna Timone and I live in New York City. This is my campaign video for Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest. You should pick me to represent Dukacopy for five following reasons. First, it would be an exciting opportunity to represent Dukascopy. It would make my dreams come true and it would give me an incredible opportunity to grow as individual and as professional. Every person should work to reach their best potential and become the best version of him or herse…
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annatimone avatar

Thank you very much for all your comments and likes...:) Good luck in trading!

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 10 Sep.

Another very and very proper job. Nice!

annatimone avatar
annatimone 10 Sep.

Thank you...:)

alincik avatar
alincik 11 Sep.

Very, very good :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 11 Sep.

Thank you, Alincik

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Task 14: Miss Dukascopy Campaign Video

I did it! Please welcome to see, like and vote for my campaign video for Task 14.I never thought that I might like video editing, but after this video I already feel myself like level advanced A bit egocentric, but that's how you requested it, dear Miss Dukascopy team Don't forget to turn music on!Check my other tasks here:Task 13 - Love or Money? 12 - My photo-bombs…
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Daytrader21 avatar

you are more crazy than I thought:))....but that's a good thing ;)

Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you everyone :)

PAPA avatar
PAPA 10 Sep.

AMAZING video, good luck in contest!

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 10 Sep.

Now that's exceptional work!

Atashi_Tada avatar

@PAPA, @Nick_T
thank you, glad you like it!

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Make me Miss Dukascopy!

Hello from rainy and cold Kiev! I am Vayolet and there are my 5 reasons why you should vote for me and why I must win. The first reason is an aesthetic reason. I am a young, active, slim and very pretty girl! The second reason is practical. I am studying at Economic University, I am a perspective, intelligent, ambitious, hardworking and confident person. The third reason is a karmic reason. I believe in luck and destiny. But when I want something, I take it and do it. The fourth reason i
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Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 9 Sep.


Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 10 Sep.

Так и хватит!)))))

Neetu avatar
Neetu 22 Sep.

Task 14 is supposed to be a video

Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 22 Sep.

It has video... Don't you see it?

Lika_Ya avatar
Lika_Ya 20 Oct.

I know one more reason - you are a real miss, not Mrs. :)

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Why you should vote for me?

My fist video, I'm in your hands, everything depends on you...Hello Dear Community Members!Best regards from Lithuania!It is my first video and I've made it just only few hours ago. If my speech is not very clear, I present text of my speech below:First of all I would like to thank to all of you who supports me, it is very important for me, because before I started participate in this contest, I couldn't imagine, that I will collect so many votes. So, Thank you very much for your valuable time y…
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Heruar avatar
Heruar 9 Sep.

Glad I could help ;)

kudryaviy avatar
kudryaviy 10 Sep.

I like it too

prectical avatar
prectical 12 Sep.

me too

kudryaviy avatar
kudryaviy 20 Sep.

That was nice

Citugas avatar
Citugas 28 Oct.

good words, nice thoughts

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Why should I win?

Honestly, I don't like such tasks.. I don't like creating videos and explaining why am I better that other girls. Also my voice sounds weird on records. I understand, this is competition, but this video will change nothing. Still, the winner will be the most popular girl and person who has lots of friends on facebook, so they can vote for her. Of course, weekly tasks must change something, but that's not true. These 30 points will change nothing!I would like to win such competition because such…
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Übersetzen in Englische Sprache Zeige Original
alcatraz avatar
alcatraz 8 Sep.

Thats a pure philosophical question. I think a competition like this one is dedicated to humans natural desire to feel self esteem, even we all here are players in our own field. If you feel to bring something good to people, try to be yourself and take heart for the ones who deserve it. :)

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 10 Sep.

Настя, видео в студию. :)

Anastasia avatar
Anastasia 13 Sep.

Daytrader21 - I totally agree with you!!!
Alcatraz - participation in this competition showed me that if girls want to win, they will publish half naked photos of themselves, ask their friends to vote for them, but it is not very fair. It could be much better if there are impartial judges that could decide who really deserve this 1st place!! :)))

geula4x avatar
geula4x 24 Oct.

+1 Liked: well written and thought-provoking :-) Good luck in bringing "something good and bright to people" :-)

Annie avatar
Annie 27 Oct.

Если хочешь победить - будь активнее (:

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