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Отсортировано по тагам:  Miss Dukascopy 2013 Task 13

Мои мечты

Когда я была маленькой, я хотела стать русалкой. Но мама объяснила мне, что лучше мечтать о чем-то более реальном. И подарила мне куклу. Я как и все девочки играла и создавала свою маленькую семью. Сейчас мечты несколько изменились.
Я мечтаю встретить настоящую любовь и создать семью. Я думаю, что каждой девушке предназначено стать хранительницей домашнего очага. Я хочу иметь много детей. Но так же я собираюсь исполнить свою взрослую мечту. Я хочу создать свое ателье. Я хорошо умею шить, вязать.
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citikot avatar
citikot 31 Окт.


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Love or money

When I staretd to write this blog, I was thinking that I will tell MONEY. But very fast I changed my mind. I cant live with out love. If my heart is not singing love song, I have no power to work, to make some activities. Love is the best food for my body. Its possible to buy sex, but not love. Love makes people to be together. Together - stronger. And together is possible to rech a lot in life.
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Task 13

Я столько раз задавала себе этот вопрос, что, наверное, сама запуталась с ответом.
В детстве, я никогда не верила в любовь. Я не верила что она может быть вечной, что она приносить людям счастье. Нет.
Мои родители развелись, и я знала, что это очень несправедливо, что это просто невозможно: дать обещание до гроба а потом одним документом его разрушить...
Все мои детские годы прошли в этих убеждениях. Я хорошо училась, у меня было много друзей, я начала замечать что мои амбиции гораздо больше чем
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Natali_Poltavskaya avatar

все абсолютно верно...

nastya1994 avatar
nastya1994 30 Окт.

очень душевно написала

nastya1994 avatar
nastya1994 30 Окт.

...как страница из дневника

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Task 13 Love or money?

To some this may seem a trivial matter, but it is very relevant. Many are of the opinion that love to win anyway, because it is invincible. Naturally, love seems invincible, when a happy couple in love, and all around - in pink. But come the week and everything changes with time, we have to overcome many challenges to face financial troubles. Unfortunately, these days the money, or, in other words to say, the financial question -. One of the main weapons, which destroys the family and the relati…
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ignat888 avatar
ignat888 15 Сент.

Отличный выбор!

Leon_Kovallo avatar
Leon_Kovallo 18 Сент.

Oh no...Money better!)

Anastasia_pruncess avatar

Leon_Kovallo, я так не думаю...

artem_egorov avatar
artem_egorov 15 Окт.


verindur avatar
verindur 29 Февр.

Really : )) It seems like a Political Point of Veiw : )) You really know how to get all those votes Babe : )) My point of veiw is different : )) I think its easy to find Love but Money ? : )) Ask Dukascopy where it is ?? And Who else has got it : )) Are you working for a Bank or Owner of One ?? Ask the Traders who can't find Money anywhere despite all the efforts :)) Love is so easy to find. You just need to cry desperately. Make sure everybody is watching especially the one whom you are targetting : )))))

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How much do you need?

As the title says - how much do you need - love and money?Yes, you can have both if you set your goals realistic. If you want to earn milions annually and have 5 kids and a happy husband with a perspective of a happy life, you must be really lucky to have all these at once.Women don't have that prehistoric urge to be 'hunters', they are built to be mothers and housekeepers. That's why they are more often asked to chose between career or love - marriage. As for me, at this point I have no other p…
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ivanbgd avatar
ivanbgd 7 Сент.

good story

VTTG avatar
VTTG 21 Сент.

Very interesting

dragandj avatar
dragandj 19 Окт.

can I have love of a rich girl?

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Love or money?

Hello guys!Sooooo.....Love or money? Interesting question. I am not sure why should I make a choice actually. Can we love without money?? - of course, it's hard to control our feelings, sometimes, true?? And can we have money without love?? For sure....Once Marilyn Monroe said - A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night. It is hard to disagree with those words.I've seen some people who live in small flat, who's main adventure in life was trip by bicycle to a next villa…
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 3 Сент.

Interesting thoughts! I like your post! )

Forsmin avatar
Forsmin 14 Сент.

A pretty girl with pretty idea make an angel like you

JustStasy avatar
JustStasy 15 Сент.

thank u ))

fxeconomist avatar
fxeconomist 23 Сент.

Love is a delusional hum-bug, and money...money is needed only up to financial independence. Not necessarily millions. Sex wise, low level money can buy rewarding sex too, especially that limited resources will make one very picky about it. I was alone all my life, but the moment I stopped needing love it was...WOW! All it matters is to be financially independent and being humble with expenses, living not necessarily happy, but free and content. Relentlessly pursuing socially defined happiness is a self inflicted hell, as life is permanently lived on the negative side. Why this?

JustStasy avatar
JustStasy 24 Сент.

happiness is different for everyone... no need to have it "socially defined". no need to aspire to something what others value highly... As for money... Yeahhh, they mean much more than romantic heads try to think of them. Independence, freedom, confidence... But still, love, feelings, relationships is the part of life you can not avoid. Well, you can of course))), but isn't it the other reason for making money? )) To start a family, to get a shelter, so on... Love can inspire for lot's of things, good or bad. Why would people talk (write, sing, shoot...) so much about it?? ))

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Love or money?

Honestly, it depends.Maybe few days ago i would say that for me it is possible to combine good mum, loving wife and very strict but honest employer, but today i understand that this is very relatively. Today I understood that it is very important to have good relationships with your family, only in this case you can become successful CEO. If you need to spend much time and energy only due to save your family and relationships you would never have neither the desire nor the ability to run your bu…
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Annie avatar
Annie 27 Окт.

Хорошие мысли (:

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Super women

Since I was child I have dreamed to have great family and to become an ideal wife. Which is smart, beautiful, love cooking, who is good friend, support and lover. For me is very important to have a back, some who I trust and who can cover me all life, of course the same I give to that person Family is everything if that is strong and full of love and trust. But money you can earn at any time. I have a plan to become a doctor or nurse and after that when I have strong enough bottom, I want famil…
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Love or money?

primero para mí siempre ha sido, ante todo, ser profesional, la familia es importante, sí, pero como nunca he visto a una madre.Creo que es posible tener una familia y ser Cadre, pero para mí el momemto no es mi camino. Quiero dedicarme a decidir qué camino tomar entre dos cosas que me gustan, y tal vez después de un tiempo algunn ... hmm .. tal vez no lo es ....
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Money or Love

I think if you have money you think you can have it all. But you can't never buy love.Love is something beautiful when you fall in love. When you like somebody you feel inside of you butterflies and feel happy and powerful. You think you can do whatever you want and you don't care. Money is powerfull thing which gave you power of buying everything you want. You can buy everything what you want for relax, eat, drink, expensive cars....enjoy the rich life.You can buy you holidays, travel around th…
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