alifari's Blog


DAY 24 - The Mind is the Trader's Ultimate Edge.

What goes inside the Mind of a trader is directly related to the success or failure of a trader. Charts matter, Edge matters , Timing matters , Understanding your Market matters.... but the commonly under estimated thing in my opinion is "Frame of mind". As a trader we need to be mindful of our mental state and if we don't feel 100% in the correct state of mind, we should walk away from the trade.
Quotes from: Trading Rules That Work, Jason Janovsky:
"We must rise above the average thinking pr
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Frame of Mind

What goes inside the Mind of a trader is directly related to the success or failure of a trader. Charts matter, Edge matters , Timing matters , Understanding your market matters.... but the commonly under estimated thing in my opinion is "Frame of mind" as they say:
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character it becomes your destiny." Lao Tzu

As a trader we…
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alincik avatar
alincik 16 Feb.

very nice said

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