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Nasza chytrość

Witam, dzisiaj bez rozegrania ponieważ trzymam ciągle stare pozycje. Skupię się na pewnym aspekcie psychologicznym, który przeszkadza w tradingu.
Aspektem tym jest nasza chytrość. Zauważyłem to w swojej spekulacji. Nie raz po wejściu w pozycje, gdy udawało mi się zdobywać lekki zysk miałem wrażenie, że tak, to jest ten traf. Zrobię na nim 100% itp. Niestety rynek nie raz weryfikował i cena potrafiła się całkowicie odwrócić, lub cofnąć. A ja dalej w pozycji i nagle wychodzę stratny. Ale czemu? A …
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How to Deal and What are your mentality thoughts in losing!

When one is in a bad trade and a stock dips lets say 10% - the loser mentality person will say "I will get out when i'm back to even." This is basically setting you up to lose more. If the stock dives further - then you will take a larger hit. People say that they will get out when they are back to even because they don't want to admit that they just took a loss. They don't want that psychological burden of being a loser.The fact is that anyone who trades professionally, or made millions in the …
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How to think like a Price Action Trader

Since market volatility is very thin, I thought there is no point in looking at charts and trying to find trade opportunities in a trade a 30 pip daily range. So I did some reading and here are some interesting points which could be helpful for price action traders :
1) Preserving win rate at the expense of risk/reward is foolish and a sign of a lack of confidence.
2) Very rarely taking a full loss on your losing trades is not something to be proud about. It very likely means your initial SL was
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Daytrader21 avatar

It is always good to remember some valuable advice, you are never to old to learn new tricks in this game, but the most valuable advice is: Cut your losses short and let your winner run.

alifari avatar
alifari 26 Dic

"Cut your losses short and let your winner run". I agree but the fact is it is the most easiest thing to say in trading, but most difficult one to implement.

geula4x avatar
geula4x 26 Dic

+1 Liked: Nice post with very interesting ideas! Thanks for sharing and happy trading :-)

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